Nightly passions

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A/N: fluffy smut

After the duels, the Death Eaters retired to the drawing room where refreshments were being served. Lucius sat on the couch with his arm around his wife as she settled herself in his embrace. The Death Eaters talked about frivolous things, mostly involving politics; talking about their families until twilight. There was a Yelp in the foyer as Severus and Nott were about to depart. "Stupid Elf!" They heard Megaera screech. "Let me pass!"

"Dobby is under strict order to not let guests upstairs," the house-elf countered, his voice quivering as he spoke. "Especially a Carrow."

"You will—"

"Expelliarmus," Narcissa called, disarming Carrow and catching her wand.

"That will be all, Dobby," Lucius dismissed the elf, glaring at Megaera. Dobby nodded and snapped his fingers, disappearing.

"Planning on harming my son, Carrow?" Lucius demanded, stepping back as Narcissa surged forward, raising her wand.

"Not at all, Lucius," Megaera smiled, taking a step back. "I simply wanted to explore the upstairs of the manor."

"Do you honestly believe after your attack last year that you would be allowed anywhere in the manor without supervision?" Narcissa demanded.

"Still angry about that are we?" Megaera smirked.

"You're just lucky Bellatrix is in Azkaban," Lucius growled, his eyes narrowing. "She would never have been as lenient as I was had she found out that you used the Cruciatus Curse on her sister."

"Good thing Bellatrix isn't here."

"But I am," Severus replied darkly, striding forward and grabbing her arm. "And I think it's time I escort you off the grounds." He paused and nodded to the Malfoys. "Good night."

"You're sure you don't mind Theodore staying over tonight, Malfoy?"

"Not at all, Nott," Lucius nodded. "Give Martha our regards."

Nott nodded courteously at Narcissa, then walked outside. Lucius walked over to his wife, kissing her on the cheek. "You alright?" He murmured.

"I'll tell you in the bed chamber," she whispered, apparating them into the bed chamber. Waving her wand, she enchanted the doors with an imperturbable charm. "How did that trollop get access to the grounds?"

"I don't know," Lucius replied, guiding her to the edge of the of the bed. He then wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. "If I could guess, it's someone who wants to cause trouble between us."

"Your father," Narcissa growled.

"Probably," Lucius sighed. "Would certainly be able to forge my handwriting on an invitation that was never sent."

"We can't prove it, though," Narcissa grumbled, walking toward her vanity, taking off her jewelry. She paused, her arm trembling a bit as she blinked back the tears. "Why doesn't he just leave us alone?"

"We both know why," Lucius murmured, placing a hand on her shoulder, kneeling down next to her. "That doesn't mean we give into him, though. Let him be jealous of what we have..." he took her hand into his, kissing her finger tips. "The important thing is that we're happy."

Narcissa smiled as he stood up, helping her to her feet as she stared into his steely grey eyes.  They held only love... and a yearning she easily recognized after being with him for over twenty years. "Care to undress me?" She whispered leaning up to his ear before turning around to casually pull out the pins holding her hair back.

Lucius smirked, using his wand to undo the back of her dress, while his lips slowly caressed the skin of her neck. She pretended to ignore them, but the small sighs she made as she put down the pins on the vanity told him she was very much aware of what he was doing. She felt his lips grow into a smile as he found her sweet spot— the spot that guaranteed she bend to his every whim. His wand made short work of her dress, as his free hand began wandering down her breasts; squeezing the some-what firm mounds of flesh.

He then turned her around, kissing her firmly on the lips. She could feel his heart beat as she slowly undid his buttons from his shirt... but she longed for him to be pressed against her and used her wand to speed up the process.

When he was free of the garments, he led Narcissa back to the bed—placing their wands on the bedside table— placing her beneath him as he continued kissing her; his lips hungrily going down to her neck and breasts. Lucius's practiced fingers slowly caressed the sensitive areas of her skin, making her quiver in anticipation.

Her legs slowly wrapped around his midsection as he inserted his girth inside of her; catching her groan with his lips. He pulled back after a few minor thrusts, looking into her beautiful brown gaze. She smiled up at him, knowing he was scrutinizing her reactions; he leaned down, nibbling on her neck as she gave him access. After a few moments, though, she attempted to flip them over; but Lucius had other plans. "Not tonight," he said lowly, sending several shivers up her spine as his thrusts continued to gain strength.

She struggled a bit beneath him, smiling though as he pinned her wrists. She struggled beneath him more, and he chuckled darkly, making her want him more. "You know it's futile to fight," he whispered mockingly, thrusting harder before she could reply. She smiled, and Lucius continued assaulting her body.

"Futile..." Narcissa gasped as he trailed his kisses down her neck, sucking on her sweet spot; causing her to buck beneath him. "But... worth it..."

Lucius smirked, thrusting harder until she fell limp beneath his body. It wasn't long until he followed suit, his breath tickling her neck as he rolled off of her.  "How are you feeling, my flower?" He whispered as he kissed her lips.

"Euphoric," she whispered, cupping his face after he released her wrists.

"Good," he whispered, caressing her cheek. She then turned her back toward him, and he pulled her closer, spooning her. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," Narcissa mumbled, falling asleep to the lull of his touch.

As Narcissa fell asleep in his arms, Lucius continued caressing her, musing over the events of that day. When he had seen Megaera Carrow, he had been infuriated, but refrained from causing an embarrassing scene in front of the others.

The sneak attack from the Cruciatus Curse had left Narcissa weakened for several days. He was glad Severus had agreed to help heal her, as she regained her strength quicker than she would have under any other healer; but from that moment on, Carrow had been forbidden from entering the grounds— let alone going anywhere near his wife without him being present. He began wondering if there was a special entrance that he was unaware of... or if his father— given that Dobby was bound to serve the Malfoy family— had forced the house-elf to smuggle her into the grounds while no one was around. He could still clearly remember seeing Narcissa writhing on the floor as she fought to suppress her screams; the blasts from his wand to disarm Carrow while Nott, Crabbe and Goyle  surged forward, raising their wands.

He kissed her cheek, adjusting his grip as he settled down more comfortably; stroking her hair back before waving his wand to remove the charm, falling asleep to her gentle breathing.

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