Chapter 16- The Only Connection

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You Will Call Me Master

Chapter 16- The Only Connection

I woke up in the morning to the sun shining on my face.  I opened my eyes, expecting to see Alec, but instead I was greeted by an empty bed.  My shower was short, the shop opened in half an hour and I had a lot of work to get accomplished today.  I dressed in what I considered comfortable clothes- skinny jeans and a fitted tank top.  

As I walked through the door to my shop I was getting some raised eye brows from Maria and smirks from Tom.  It wasn’t until I glanced toward the sitting area that I saw him, sitting there waiting for me.  James looked rugged and handsome, reminding me of how different he was from Alec.  Not that Alec wasn’t handsome, but he was much less rugged and much more refined and powerful.  James got up from his seat, approaching me questionably.

“I know you don’t want to talk to me, but I really needed to check that you are alright.  I must have done something the other night, though all I did was help you and imagine killing my brother in my head.  Is there something you need, something you won’t tell me.  Why are you avoiding me?”

“I’ll talk to you in my office.”

Both Maria and Tom were watching, though Maria was probably imagining what our children would look like and Tom was shooting daggers at James using only his eyes.  I did not need for them to know the intimate details of my very complicated romantic life.  As we passed them they both scurried away, returning to their jobs.

“Now can you tell me what is wrong?  What did I do?  How can I fix it?”

“James, you have done absolutely nothing wrong.  After what happened between me and Alec I really needed you, but now I need time to myself to decide how I move forward from here.”

“How you move forward?  How is it hard to decide.  You obviously can’t go back to Alec, but I am really interested in you.  I want to know everything about you, as well as every inch of your body.”

“It’s not that simple, I need Alec.”

“Anything he every gave you I can give you double.  You don’t need anything from him.”

“But I do.  Our relationship was more than just two people who have common interests, it was two people who had related desires.  I need to be able to let go, to lose myself for a couple hours and Alec needs the control, to be able to have his every single wish granted without having to ask twice.  It was never extremely sexual between us, as a Dom he didn’t demand it, it was more about the release and receiving of power.  It is something I don’t think I can live without anymore, not now that Alec has taught me how to go from feeling stressed and overworked to be completely worry free and in control of practically nothing.  It makes me feel weightless, and I love it.”

“So that’s it, huh?  He destroys you like that and you just accept him back because you ‘need him’?”

“No, but at the same time I don’t know how I am going to function if I don’t.  He is like a vitamin pill that you choke on one  day, but the next day you wake up and you take another vitamin pill because you are better with it then without it.  He is worth the risk.”

“I can’t let you risk yourself because you think you need him.  You are not just risking yourself, your also risking me, because if you go back to him I am going to want to kill him even more than I want to right now.”

“You can’t say that, much less think that.  He is your brother, I can’t let myself come in between you and your own flesh and blood.  Don’t make me responsible for splitting up your family.”

“Too late, my father managed to do that even after he had died.  He left everything to me, all of his properties and stocks, everything.  Alec didn’t speak to me for months, and when he finally started talking again do you know what he said?  He said he just met the most lovely girl, but he was afraid he wasn’t enough for her.  He hoped that by introducing me to her I could fill in the gaps that he couldn’t, and together we could win her heart.  Instead the two of us met, sparks flew, and afterwards he beat the shit of you.  Not exactly fairy tale worthy if I do say so myself.”

I was shocked (A/N- I really wanted to say flabbergasted, but the mature side of my brain told me no) that he was so mad, and not just mad at Alec, but mad at me too.  This side of him was something I had almost seen, though I hadn’t known him long enough to really know any of his sides.

“When did you get so cynical?  I’m sorry that your dad died and ruined things between you and Alec, but that’s not my fault.  I know that what I have done has driven you guys even further apart but I don’t want you blaming me for all of the problems between you two.”

“You don’t get it.  You did drive us apart, you brought us together.  The first time Alec ever came to my club was to show you to me, his reason for finally talking to me after our father died was to tell me about you.  The only thing the two of us have in common anymore is you.  I’m not mad at you for creating a separation between the two of us again, I’m blaming him for almost ruining one of the best things I’ve ever had- you.”

“That can’t be true, you’ve only known me for a week.”

“But I want to know you for the rest of my life and he endangered that by being a moron and overreacting.”

“Did you expect him to take the news gently?”

“No, I just thought he would break a lamp or start crying, either way he wasn’t supposed to hurt you.  I wouldn’t have touched you if it meant him hurting you.  I would never want that, and I would do anything to prevent it.”

Horrible cliffhanger… Mostly because I’m tired.  I know, I know.  I am a horrible writer, but what can I say? I love to keep you guys waiting.


I know that I don’t get everything right when it comes to the specifics of the BDSM culture and I thank those of you who kindly point out all of my dumb mistakes.  At the same time, please do not make me feel like a moron by commenting that I “know nothing and I am sending out bad messages blah blah blah”.  That doesn’t mean I don’t want to know what’s wrong, just try to sugar coat for me.  Those comments make me want to crawl under a rock and die, and if I die, you guys will never know how the story ends, so it’s in everyone’s interests if we keep our comments slightly nice and sugar coated.  Thank you, and don’t forget that while most girls prefer diamonds, I prefer comments and votes. (Or diamonds if you REALLY love the story….)

You Will Call Me Master (Ménage, BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now