Chapter 3- The Other Man

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You Will Call Me Master

Chapter 3- The Other Man

James' POV

I had wanted the girl from the minute he had seen her. I watched from above as she followed my brother into the club, peeking around his shoulder like a shy kitten entering the jungle. I knew my brother had only been training her for a couple of months, and I could tell just by looking at her. She looked desperate to please, though not in the way of a typical submissive. The typical submissive aims to please in order to satisfy her master, to bring him joy and pride in his good and faithful submissive. This girl looked like her life depended on. Like if Alec turned around right now and sent her away, she might crumple into dust and be carried away by the wind. For the first time that I could remember, I wanted to save her. Whisk her away before she could get dragged any further into this world. She looked so pure, so delicate. I wanted to send Alec away to tell him that I had changed my mind, that we didn't need to propose our usual situation to this girl, that I couldn't have a hand in what would most likely be her demise. I couldn't bear to imagine her like the other women in this club, being lead around on her hands and knees by a leash, turned from person into property. I felt sick at the thought of it, at the thought this delicate specimen being turned into another of the women that I would typically fuck.

I watched as Alec left her alone, most likely trying to find him. I knew Alec would be looking for me, but I didn't care. I descended the stairs and approached her, the gentle creature standing in the middle of his club. I could see the panic in her eyes as I led her towards the back of the club, wanting to get her away from everyone. I pushed her into a playroom in the back of the club, shutting the door behind us and leading her over to a set of plush chairs. I sat in one of them, mentally pleading her to take the other. I wanted her to prove that she could still be saved, that her training was just topical, easily forgotten. I felt like the wind was knocked out of me when she sat at my feet, so tiny with her legs underneath her body, her arms neatly folded on top of her thighs and her head bowed. I knew I should be proud, that after a few months my brother had managed to manipulate her into this, that he had been able to take this good and pure girl and make her exactly what he wanted. As a Dom, I should be happy. As her prospective Dom I should be even more excited. But for some reason I felt guilt. Like I should be mourning the girl that once existed, the girl that my brother had managed to squash.

As if she was electrocuted, she jumped up, attempting to make her way towards the door.

"I'm sorry, but I really need to go. I don't think this is a good idea... I don't want to make my Sir angry. I'll just go now..."

Her voice was shaky as she spoke, and I thought for a minute that I could hear her heart beating rapidly in her chest.

"You will not be going anywhere until I say so. Just wait. I don't believe your Dom will be as surprised as you believe he will. Now sit. Your restlessness is unnerving."

She sat back down, folding herself once again at my feet and I wanted to reach down and touch her. Caress her face, run my fingers through her vibrantly red hair. I wanted to calm her down, to tell her that it was going to be okay. But, I knew that I would not be helping the situation. She was terrified because of me. Alec had trained her well, and she was terrified of disappointing him. She was a beautiful submissive. The thought made my heart fall even further.

There was a knock on the door, followed by Alec walking into the room. In that moment, I wanted to launch myself at him, to make him for what he had done, to beg him to bring the original girl back. I wanted him to understand what he had done, to feel remorse. To be sorry. Instead, I stood up and walked toward him, catching his outstretched hand in mine as I pulled him into half of an embrace. If I was going to get him to go along with this, I needed him to believe that I would be a Dominant towards her. I needed him to believe that I had absolutely no thoughts of pulling her into my arms and simply holding her until she fell asleep.

"I was curious how long I could keep her from you. You have such a knack for sensing when I've found myself a bit of fun."

He sounded so arrogant, so full of himself. I had to take a moment to breathe, reminding myself to play along.

"I'm almost hurt, brother. You know how much I enjoy getting to have a hand in the training of a new girl. It was selfish of you to keep this one all to yourself at first. Though, I am sure you can find a way to make it up to me."

The two of us began to walk towards her position on the floor, with Alec choosing the seat which had the girl perched in front of it.

"What do you think of this man so far, pet? Do you think this is someone you could see yourself answering to?"

The girl looked like she was lost in thought, and I got worried that Alec would punish her for not listening.

"Pet, when I speak to you I expect you to listen. Are you listening to me?"

"Yes, Sir."

Her wide eyes briefly scanned me, turning to rest on Alec.

"Good. Now, as I am sure you have inferred from our conversation, this man is my brother, James. My older brother to be specific. As brothers, we have typically been interested in the same things and activities, and because of that we have shared most things in our lives. Especially, women."

I thought back to the first woman we had shared, Victoria. It had seemed so taboo at first, both of us being with her. But the more we had thought about it, the more sense it made. Our tastes in women were so similar, whenever one of us had a woman the other ended up getting jealous. We had decided, instead of letting women come between us, we could instead use them as something to bring us even closer. When we had first proposed this to Victoria, her eyes had lit up. She later confessed to me that, even though we had been dating, she had dreamed sometimes of Alec. Her being with the both of us had worked out well for everyone involved.

I stopped thinking of the past, trying to focus on what was happening now in front of me.

"If you agree to this, you will come to find out that even though the two of us look alike, we are two very different people"

Alec shared a smart look with me, as if I'm supposed to be the more aggressive between the two of us. He was seriously getting on my last nerve. I needed him to get out of this room quickly before I did something I would end up regretting.

"Now, I can't make you agree to this, and I understand if you are uncomfortable with the situation. But, you should also know that my brother is a very big part of my life and I would be very... disappointed if you did not want to get to know him."

I looked between the two of them, knowing this was the moment of truth. And if she decided she didn't want to be with me, Alec would probably let her go. And she would be free.

"If this is what will make you happy, Sir, then yes. I consent to being with you and your brother."

I tried not to look disappointed that she had decided to push herself even further into this situation, yet at the same time I was excited she had decided to pick me. It was a horrible decision for herself, she was only going to make things worse, but I was excited none the less.

"I'm going to send you home with James tonight, and I need for you to remember your training. Now, James loves training new girls. He loves breaking them down and them building them back up. I'm going to suggest you don't give him a reason to break you down. It's for your own benefit."

She looked at me with those big eyes again and I had to stop myself from breaking out into an ear to ear smile. She was going to be mine.

You Will Call Me Master (Ménage, BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now