Chapter Four- Questions and Answers

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You Will Call Me Master

Chapter Four- Questions and Answers

I looked up at James expectantly, waiting for him to tell me what came next. I was out of my depth with just one Dom, and with two I stranded in the ocean.

"If we are going to do this, I have some rules. First of all, you will not discuss our time together with Alec, and I do not wish for you to tell me about what you do when you are with Alec. My brother and I are close, but we still need some separations. Secondly, Alec has trained you, and we will use this training as a basis but I may require for you to act differently around me than you do around him. I know this may get confusing for you, so we will take it slowly and I will make my best attempt to be patient. Thirdly, I understand you call Alec Sir. You will call me Master. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master"

"Good. Follow me, I am going to take us home."

I followed him as he led me out of the building and toward a silver car. He opened the passenger side door and I got in, holding my breath as he reached across me to buckle my seat belt. His fingers lingered against the side of my waist after he had already snapped the buckle. I could feel the heat of his fingers through the thin material of my shirt. For a second I closed my eyes and pictured his hands on me, my shirt nonexistent, his long fingers caressing the gentle flesh. His hands cupping my breasts, rolling my nipples between the pads of his fingers. I snapped my eyes open, trying to erase the thought from my mind. I was doing this to keep Alec. I needed to keep him in mind. Alec is perfect and I am doing everything I can to keep him.

I knew Alec had grown up with money from the way that he spoke about his childhood. He never directly said anything, that would have been crass and tacky, neither of which were words one would ever use to describe him. Based on the way that he lived now and his position as CEO of his father's company, I had always assumed he was an only child. The emerging of his brother made me question what else I didn't know about his life.

We turned onto a private drive and the house in front of me confused me more than anything else. It wasn't large, it was grand. How did he have a house like this when all he did was manage a club. Surely he wasn't making enough money to have a home like this.

"Follow me"

Master's order had surprised me, breaking me out of my internal conversation with myself. I followed behind him, trying to keep up with his long strides. He led me through a formal sitting room and into a much more intimate seating area. There were books stacked on the side table next to a large arm chair, and it looked to me as if this is somewhere that he would go to when he needed a quiet moment to himself. Though, judging by the size of the house from the outside, there were surely many nooks someone could find to be with their thoughts. He sat in the arm chair and I moved to sit at his feet but he held up his hand, stopping me.

"Please, sit next to me"

He motioned toward another chair and I sat on it hesitantly. Was he testing me?

"I'm typically a very stern Dominant. It is how I have always been and I have never strayed from that approach. But, tonight when I saw you I began to... I began to question if I can be that stern Dominant with you. For some reason when I look at you I have an urge to protect you. So, I am going to ask you these questions and I am going to need your honest answer. I am never going to ask you this again, and if you ever tell anyone about this I will refuse ever saying these words. Are you sure you want to be in a Dominant/submissive relationship? Are you sure you wouldn't be happy in a normal, equal partnership? Do you want to be a submissive, or are you just doing this to try to hold onto Alec?"

You Will Call Me Master (Ménage, BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now