Chapter 4- Unintended Results

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You Will Call Me Master

Chapter 4- Unintended Results

I woke up to Master snuggling his nose into my hair at the crook of my neck, not to mention the strangle hold he had around my waist. I just laid there, not really able to move out of his grip, and I thought about what I had agreed to last night. As I went over last night's activities I remembered my punishment, knowing that if I was able to sit up on my bottom there would be a dull throbbing. Even now, I am not sure whether or not I am alright with what happened last night. It was so weird to have someone other than my original Dom treat me in that manner. As I contemplated my feelings about my new arrangement I felt Master stir, causing me to relax my shoulders and close my eyes, pretending I was still asleep.
What he did next startled me, he leaned over me, getting very close to my neck, and he proceeded to nibble on my ear, whispering,

"I know you are awake, now open your eyes."

I opened my eyes, adverting my gaze from him.

"Why do you always do that?"

"Do what Master"

"Why do you always look away from me? Does it bother you to be with someone other than Alec?"

"I am just trying to show my submission towards you. I don't want you to get angry at me. Sir becomes agitated whenever I look him in the eyes, I have learned to advert my gaze so as not to anger him. I guess it's just something that I have gotten used to doing whenever I am with a superior. I am sorry."

"Don't apologize, it shows weakness. Don't you have a boss? Doesn't he find it strange that you act that way whenever he is talking to you?"

"I don't have a boss, I am self employed. I own a vintage book store downtown in the city."

"What's it called?"

"Echo Books and Vinyl. I have many more books than I do vinyl, but my vinyl collection is substantial, though I specialize in jazz music. I love jazz music from the 1930's... Sorry, I didn't mean to speak so much, please forgive me Master"
I immediately adverted my gaze, knowing that I would get scolded for not just simply answering his question.

"You do not have to call me Master outside of the den. Here I am simply James, and what did I tell you about apologizing? Why are you so terrified of me? What happened last night was unintended and out of character, normally I do not react so quickly and harshly, but something about you just made me want to take control."

"What you did last night was exactly what I was expecting. When I am with my Sir he never stops being in control, and I am always accountable for my actions when I am around him. Do not feel badly, what you did is what I am accustomed to."

"I can not be like that with you, I can not be so harsh to you all the time. I really like this, us just talking and having a conversation, as long as you promise to stop apologizing all the time and adverting your eyes. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy us spending time under certain other circumstances as well, though."

"So when we are talking like this, we are equals?"


"So it's okay for me to do this?"

Before he could ask me what I meant I climbed on top of, capturing his lips with mine. He nibbled on my bottom lip, trying to gain control of the kiss, but I refused savoring in my new found power. I felt him reposition his hands on my waist, but wasn't expecting when he flipped us, putting him in the position of power over me. He broke the kiss, keeping his head high enough that I couldn't rejoin our lips

"I am most definitely okay with this, though I don't like you trying to hold out on me"

With that he jumped out of bed, picking me and carrying me along down the steps.

"You don't have to carry me, I have legs!"

"I just don't want a repeat of yesterday"

And with that he momentarily carried me with one hand so that he could pat my bottom. His action caused all of the memories of last night to resurface and I am sure my face turned scarlet shade normally associated with blood. After seeing the very prominent blush on my face his face wore a smirk, leading us to what I assumed to be the kitchen.

His kitchen was, yet again, not what I was expecting. It was professional grade, complete with eight burners, two ovens and plenty of cabinet and counter space. He sat me upright on the counter with my legs dangling over the edge.

"I am going to make you some pancakes."

"No, I can make them, you don't have to go to that trouble for me,"

I moved to jump off the counter but he grabbed me by the shoulders, keeping me in my spot on the counter.

"I want to do this for you, let me do this. Besides, I need you to be my taste tester."

The whole time he was gathering the ingredients and combining them to make the batter he had a huge grin on his face, sneaking a peek over at me from time to time, almost as if he was checking that I was still there. Soon after he had poured the batter onto the griddle the first pancake was done, cooked to perfection. He put it on a plate, cutting a small chuck off. He started to come toward me with the pancake chunk on the fork. I opened my mouth, allowing him to feed me. I chewed slowly, keeping him on his toes to know how it is.

"Tell me, how is it?"

"It's good, but not as good as this,"

And with that I leaned forward, capturing his lips with mine, and I was right, nothing could possibly be better than this.


I have a million things to say right now!!

1st- Thank you guys all so much for voting and fanning and just plain old reading. Today when I checked on my story and my reads had doubled I flipped out, plus you guys have plastered a smile on my face that I can't seem to wipe off. Thank you guys all so much for your support!

2nd- I know that this genre tends to have R rated stories, but I promise to have warnings before any material that is extreme.

3rd- I know it seems like things are really moving quickly between Flora and James, but I wanted to show how comfortable she is with him now that she doesn't constantly have to worry about the right way to act around him in fear that she will be punished.

4th- Like my drawing? The picture to the right is what I imagine James' house to look like, maybe without the bit on top... I did not draw that, despite what you all may think, I can't draw fro the life of me. If it was my drawing you would know, lets just say I would find a way to make a stick-house.

5th- I have done three updates in the past two days, but I want you guys to know that I have school on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and then Thursday is Thanksgiving and Friday is Black Friday, so my next update might not be until Friday night.. I just want to give you guys that heads up. Thanks for reading my two cents!

PS- I switched the two actors I had to play James and Alec because when I looked at them again I found that Alec's model looks older than James' model... Just so you aren't confused, though I am not sure if anyone really pays attention to the castings.

You Will Call Me Master (Ménage, BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now