Chapter 5- A Regretted Past

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You Will Call Me Master

Chapter 5- A Regretted Past


       We had long since finished our pancakes, though we hadn’t managed to leave the kitchen.  With me sitting on the counter and him standing between my legs we proceeded to play a game very reminiscent of twenty questions, though we must have asked more than twenty questions and we didn’t go back and forth, one person would ask a series of questions and the opposite person would answer and then take their turn at asking a set of questions.  At times he would ask me questions and he could tell that the answer troubled me, causing him to quickly ask another question, acting as if the previous question had never been asked.  Our game had dwindled down to the basic questions with me asking,

      “What’s your favorite color?”


      “What’s your favorite holiday?”

      “St. Patrick’s Day.  What’s your favorite animal?”  

      Of course he would say St. Patrick’s Day, what guy doesn’t like an excuse to drink.

      “Lambs.  What is….”

      Just as I was about to ask him a question his phone began to ring.  He left to answer it and I jumped off the counter, gathering up the dishes from the counter and taking them to the sink.  I began to wash them, hearing only snippets of James’ conversation on the phone.  I was almost done with the dishes when I heard him say good bye to who ever he had been talking to.  I heard his footsteps on the tiles floors and then I felt his arms snake around my waist.  He rested his head on my shoulder and his light breathing caused the hair next to my ear to flutter with each breath.  I broke out of his grasp to put away the last dish, turning toward him to see what we were going to do next.  He began talking as soon as I turned around,

      “That was Alec on the phone, he said that he got called into the office and he is going to be working through the weekend as well, so he invited me to keep you until then, unless you have a problem with that.”

      “No, I’m fine with that, except for the fact that I don’t have any clothes, and I have to go into my shop tomorrow to make sure everything is going okay.  I have a few employees, one of them being a manager, but still I like to check in every day or two to make sure everything is running smoothly.  Will that be okay?”

      “Yeah, why don’t we drive your house now to pick up what you need and we can go your shop together tomorrow.”

      We both got in his car, him in the driver’s seat and me in the passenger’s seat.  Our ride was silent except for the rare exchange of words concerning directions to my home.  When he pulled up he let me take the lead, walking a few paces behind me.  I opened my door quickly, leaving it open to allow him to come in as well.  He followed behind me, standing in my bedroom doorway as I packed a bag with everything I would need for the next two days.  I purposefully packed intimate underwear as well as clothes that would be appropriate attire for his club, though I was conflicted on whether or not I would actually be needing the underwear, partially because I had just met him the day before and partially because he is Alec’s brother, and I was still debating whether or not this whole idea was a good idea to start with.  While I was arguing with myself I hadn’t noticed that James had strayed from his spot at my door, making his way to my desk.  I hurried over to stop him, but the damage had already been done and he had the pictures in his hand.  He was staring at them in disbelief, flicking his eyes from the picture to me, going back and forth so quickly I was afraid he might get whiplash.

      “Did you… Did you use to model?”

      “Yeah, I got recruited in high school and didn’t think much of it, but then I started college and really needed the money. I quit after I had all of my student loans paid off, as well as a little bit of money to help keep me on my feet if anything were to happen to the book store.”

      “I don’t see why you ever stopped, you are beautiful”

      With that he put the pile of pictures back on my desk, but not after taking one off of the top and slipping it into his pocket.

       "Hey, make sure you bring something nice to wear, I’m taking you out tomorrow night for dinner.”

      quickly went through my closet, finding a dress, shoes, jewelry, and then packing my curling iron.

      The car ride to his home was even quieter than the car ride there, seeing as this time he didn’t need me to give him directions.  As we pulled up he parked, turning to me with a sly smile on his face,

      “Tomorrow night we may be going out for dinner, but tonight I am taking you to see how my club works.”

      With that my heart dropped, though that may have been due to the weight of the flock of butterflies taking shelter in it.


      Thank you for reading!!!  Seriously, this story has exploded!!!  I was not expecting for people to actually read it, but now that you guys are I will keep posting as much as possible.  This was kind of a filler chapter, but I needed it to set up what’s going to happen in the next chapter.  Don’t forget to vote, comment, and like it!

You Will Call Me Master (Ménage, BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now