Chapter 2- Brothers

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You Will Call Me Master

Chapter 2- Brothers

Flora's POV

The thought of this man talking to Alec had me... conflicted. The dirty, twisted part of me just wanted to get both of these men into a room in the hopes that they would abandon their conversation and instead ravage me. The rational, logical part of me wanted to leave this man in my dust and race back to where Alec had left me in the hopes that he would never have to know. Technically, I hadn't done anything wrong yet, but I didn't want to risk anything else happening with this man. I knew deep in my bones that Alec was out of my league, and my mind raced with the thought that he would finally realize his mistake and leave me for someone worthy of him. A beautiful, leggy, experienced submissive who would drop to her knees whenever he entered the room. Someone who would stand next to him and strangers wouldn't think twice about it, it would just make sense that a man like Alec would attract the most beautiful of women. When I was with him in public, I felt like it elicited attention, as if everyone who passed us could tell that I was a charity case. It would only make sense for Alec to drop his hobby and find a truly compatible woman.

I jumped up, making my strides as long as possible as I started toward the door.

"I'm sorry, but I really need to go. I don't think this is a good idea... I don't want to make my Sir angry. I'll just go now..."

"You will not be going anywhere until I say so. Just wait. I don't believe your Dom will be as surprised as you believe he will. Now sit. Your restlessness is unnerving."

I sat back down next to the chair, folding my legs back under me as I tried to collect my emotions. Maybe this was some sort of test, to see how I would handle myself without Alec. If so, was I passing or failing right now?

"I just texted your Dom. He should be here in a minute. Please, try to breathe. He'll probably blame me if you have a panic attack and pass out."

I wanted to roll my eyes at him, but I stopped when I remembered Alec's punishment for disrespect. It wasn't sexual at all. He had forced my to write out lines for the majority of the day, to the point that I worried my poor fingers would fall off my over worked hand. It had worked, though, and I had quickly adjusted my behavior to avoid the punishment in the future.

There was a sharp knock on the door, followed almost immediately by the door swinging open to reveal Alec. His face was stoic, apparently unfazed by the current situation. His eyes briefly passed over me as he walked toward the other man in the room. I could see then why I had initially found the stranger familiar. The two of them looked fairly similar, with the same nose and eyes. Alec shook hands with the stranger, the two of them sharing a knowing look.

"I was curious how long I could keep her from you. You have such a knack for sensing when I've found myself a bit of fun."

"I'm almost hurt, brother. You know how much I enjoy getting to have a hand in the training of a new girl. It was selfish of you to keep this one all to yourself at first. Though, I am sure you can find a way to make it up to me."

The two were talking as if I wasn't in the room, as if they weren't speaking about sharing me while also completely ignoring me. The thought of these two men sharing me had my mind racing and something deep inside of me clenching. Yet, at the same time I wanted for them to involve me in this decision. They can't just decide to have me. True, I had given myself over to Alec in every way imaginable, but that didn't mean that I wanted to just be handed over to his brother for him to have his turn. That's not how things are done in a civilized society. I'm not some belonging which can be traded or passed along. I was working myself further and further into my imaginary argument, my mind ready to burst as I fumed over my current predicament.

Suddenly, a large hand was resting on my shoulder, bringing me out of my internal conflict. I looked around to see the two men were sitting in the chairs next to me, with Alec's hand possessively on my shoulder.

"Pet, when I speak to you I expect you to listen. Are you listening to me?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Now, as I am sure you have inferred from our conversation, this man is my brother, James. My older brother to be specific. As brothers, we have typically been interested in the same things and activities, and because of that we have always shared most things in our lives. Especially, women."

James jumped into the conversation, his forearms on his knees as he lowered his body so as to be closer to my position on the ground.

"If you agree to this, you will come to find out that even though the two of us look alike, we are two very different people"

A shiver ran up my spine at his words and the dark sparkle in his eyes. My body wanted to run away from this strange man, while my mind firmly wanted to stay and have this man show me every single one of his dark fantasies. I was a girl conflicted.

James began to speak again, his hand remaining on my shoulder.

"Now, I can't make you agree to this, and I understand if you are uncomfortable with the situation. But, you should also know that my brother is a very big part of my life and I would be very... disappointed if you did not want to get to know him."

I could see the deeper meaning to his words. I could either have both of them, or neither. If I told Alec no, he would let me go. He would find someone he could share with his brother and he wouldn't think about me twice. He didn't care about the time he had already put in with me. If I disappointed him he would drop me and find someone who could make him happy. If the choice was between having him and not having him, I would do anything to keep him. And who knows, maybe his brother will be okay. Maybe it won't be horrible. Maybe this will help me cement a foot hold in Alec's life, maybe if I do this he will stop hinting that if I make one more mistake he is going to kick me to the curb.

"If this is what will make you happy, Sir, then yes. I consent to being with you and your brother."

The two looked at each other, and James looked like he was going to say something, but he stopped himself abruptly and sat back in his chair slightly. Alec looked incredibly happy with himself, his hand on my shoulder tightening its grip as he began to speak to me.

"I'm going to send you home with James tonight, and I need for you to remember your training. Now, James loves training new girls. He loves breaking them down and them building them back up. I'm going to suggest you don't give him a reason to break you down. It's for your own benefit."

Alec looked at his brother knowingly, but it almost seemed as life James had a slight pained look on his face. Like this whole situation was making him as sick as it was making me. I brushed that thought out of my mind, trying to come to terms with exactly what I was willing to do to keep Alec. Though, deep down, I knew I would do absolutely anything to keep Alec. This was, relatively, a small price to pay. I repeated those words in my head 'small price, small price, small price, small price...' as Alec gave my shoulder one last firm squeeze and left the room.

I looked up and found James was already starring at me.

Let the games begin.

You Will Call Me Master (Ménage, BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now