Chapter 10- An Unplanned Afternoon

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You Will Call Me Master

Chapter 10- An Unplanned Afternoon


James was about kiss me when we were interrupted.


“Flora, I’m so glad I found you.  We sold the copy of The Brass Monkey by Harry Whittington, the one that was in the case up front and I was wondering what you wanted to take it’s place?”

“Perfect, I’ve been wanting to move the 1861 Civil War First New Testament Bible from the back case, so move that up front and take the Wonderful Wizard Oz, I just bought it Thursday, and move that from the vault and into the case.  Thank you Tom.”

Tom walked to do as I said and I turned around to face James, hoping we could pick up where we left off.  James made no move to touch me, looking at me with a question in his eyes.

“You really like books, don’t you?”

“Of course, I do own a book store.”

“I want to learn, to know everything about what you do.”

I walked James over to the sitting area, choosing a love seat in the corner next to the window.  He sat down next to me and I told him everything, explaining the different book auctions I had went to, as well as describing the books I had had come into my shop to get appraised.  He listened patiently, occasionally placing a hand on my knee or brushing a stray piece of hair from my eyes, but he never once interrupted me.  Though I had finished talking, James had not stopped looking at me with the look of intent that was present on his face through our whole conversation.  He finally spoke, saying,

“And to think I call running my club a job.  Compared to what you do, my club is just a night time hobby.  Though, I would really like to make you my night time hobby.”

He leaned forward, capturing my lips with his.  I allowed myself to get lost in the kiss, though the realization soon hit me that we were sitting in front of the store window, and we had attracted a small crowd.  I broke away from the kiss, laughing as James’ face went from confusion to understanding as he too spotted the crowd watching us to see our next move.  I stretched my neck to his ear, whispering,

“Your sex drive amazes me, and it seems to amaze them too.”

He turned his face to mine, saying,

“Maybe we should put on a show for them, plus I would like another chance to amaze you today.”

He tried to capture my lips with his once again, but I stopped him.

“You will have another chance tonight, but right now I have paperwork that needs to be done, as well as checks that need to written.  You can come with me, if you promise not to be too distracting.”

“I promise.  Does this mean we get to go back in your office? I am quite fond of your office, it’s sooo private.  Oh the things I could do to you in that office, it make my mind race just thinking about it.”

“Shut your mouth.  Why must you talk so loud?  The people here don’t know how I spend my nights, and I would prefer if they didn’t figure out from your screaming in my book shop.”

“Believe me, I won’t be the one screaming.  Though I do believe you are more of a moaner than a screamer, if my memory serves me right.”

I shot him a look and he stopped himself from continuing on with his rant.  Much to his dismay, I did not do my paperwork in my office I brought the necessary paper out and sat down at one of the tables set up near the wall of records.  In comparison to other shops, I thought mine was fairly large, though I do have quite a bit to sell.  James, acting as the ADD child I believe he is at heart, could not contain myself by just sitting at the table, so he decided to busy himself by reading the back of almost every single record in the shop.  I finished my paperwork, returning it all to my office in coordinating piles for Tom to attend to.  When I returned from my office I found James standing not at the records, but instead outside, talking on his phone.  He came back in with a grave look on his face.

“That was Alec on the phone, he said that he finished his work early and that he is going to pick you up from my house in about an hour.  Can I get a rain check on that dinner with you?”

“Of course.  I am finished here, so unless there is something else you want to in town why don’t we head back to your house.’


As we walked out I waved good bye to Maria, ignoring the very suggestive gestures she was making toward James, motioning for me to do something to him that would make even James blush.  The ride home was silent, mostly due to the fact that the only thing on my mind, and very likely his, was what happened in my office.  I wasn’t regretful, or even ashamed, my only concern was what Alec would do if he ever found out.  He had claimed my virginity as his ever since he had become my Dom, and my only fear was that he would let his temper slip and I would pay the physical price.


Filler chapter.....Not the most interesting, but the next chapter is going to have ACTION ACTION ACTION, so stay tuned!  I really needed this chapter to lead up to what is going to happen next.

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