Chapter 20- White Lace

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You Will Call Me Master

Chapter 20- White Lace

We could not lay there forever, though, and at some point we had to come back to reality. I untangled myself from both guys, making my way down to my bathroom where I unknotted my hair from it's bun and brushed it out, evaluating how much work it was going to take to make it look presentable. I was setting down my straighter when Alec came in, an apologetic look on his face.

"Would you mind too much if we spend the night at the club tonight instead of going out to dinner? Something came up tonight and James really needs to be there."

"No, that's fine with me."

"Good, because James already left to begin dealing with it, I was just hoping you would agree."

I continued to get ready with a smile on face, amused by Alec. He was so different now, before he would have never joked like that with me. I could only think that this new arrangement had made all of us better people. I heavily contemplated what to wear as I stood in my closet. I decided to phone a friend and went looking for Alec to aid me in my decision.

"Hey Alec, would you mind helping me with something?"

"Sure, what do you need?"

"I have no idea what to wear tonight and I don't want to wear the wrong thing..."

"Come on."

He caught my elbow in his hand and lead me back to my closet, glancing through what I had.

"What did you wear last time?"

"My cream corset and a skirt. Should I wear that again?"

"Probably something like that. I don't really know what you're supposed to wear, but if it was up to me you wouldn't wear anything and you wouldn't leave this room."

"You'll just have to save that for tonight when we get home. Now out, I have to get ready, and so do you if you plan on going in something other than that."

I said, gesturing up and down at his simple tee and jeans. He left to change, leaving me just enough time to slip into something else before he would come back. I stripped, throwing all of my clothes in the laundry bin and slipping on white lace boy shorts, covered by a black, mid thigh skirt. I got out my ornate, grey corset and used it to cover my chest. Now all I needed was for Alec to lace it up for me. I was about to go find him when I felt him come up behind me, I could feel his breath on my neck as he ran his nose down the sensitive skin behind my ear. I could feel his hands brush against my back as they grabbed the laces, slowly tightening it. I reveled in the slight pain that it brought, loving how it took my breath each time Alec tightened it further. When he was done he tied it up, running his hands down my sides. I broke away from his grasp to turn around, taking in what he was wearing. I bit my lip as I saw his leather pants and his smart shirt, paired with cream colored boots. He didn't seem to notice me staring at him, because it seemed he was staring at me. I felt a blush creep to my cheeks and bowed my head to try and hide it. He caught my chin and lifted it up, gently pulling my eye line to where it crossed his. His lips met mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck, standing on my tip toes to be as close to him as possible. He broke away with a sadness in his eyes, showing me he didn't really want to stop.

"I'm sorry, but if we want to get there before the club is closing we have to leave now."

I nodded, following him out to the car. The ride was silent, though it was a comfortable silence.

Alec dropped me off at the bar, sending Rick a glance which he returned with a curt nod, before he went to go find James. The club wasn't busy yet, so it was just me and Rick at the bar. He walked over to where I sat, leaning on the bar as he spoke to me.

You Will Call Me Master (Ménage, BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now