Wound of the Heart

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"He just walked away... just like if it was easy to walk away from something that had no meaning or any attachment to you he left. all that was left were the footprints of where he stood telling you that you weren't what he wanted anymore. where he stood and looked at you face to face telling you..

"Mizaka" it's over"

The words played in my head like a mantra.

"Why wasn't I good enough"?


I couldn't find It in me at that point to be able to speak the word's I wanted to say to him. I watched him walk away from my life. Like a petal in the wind... gone... to never come across it again.

Later that day after all the turmoil that had unfolded I decided to go see my best-friend... she alway's made me feel better under circumstances like these. She always knew just what to say or do. 

On my way to Nezuko's everything came back spinning and hitting me once more as if the first time wasn't enough.

"Nezuko I don't want to be here anymore"!

We had spent hours talking about everything, my relationship my life and everything thats led up to this moment. I had spent the last four years of my life with someone whom I thought day's ago I'd be spending the rest of my life with.

I yelled at her out of despair and anguish, I didn't want to be here in this place anymore. Same people doing the same thing every day in and day out I was tired of it. I was ready for something new in my life and at this point my mind I was Made up. 

"Mizaka"? Asked Nezuko.

"yes I replied to her"

Where will you go?

I don't know yet... I replied 

"She hated the idea of me leaving this town all because of someone, but in reality I think it was much more at this point.

" I think i'll just board the train and see where it leads me, who know maybe I find my new prince charming. I jokingly giggled the response to her that seemed to have no effect on her but anger.

she grinned at me with a sour face, as I slowly released the smile I had built up she moved her lips to say something I stopped her,


What time is it?

Uhh...I don't know why? She said...

The train it leaves in five minutes!

I quickly grabbed the belonging's that were all that was left of me and set off,

"I'll see you Nezu" I promise i'll write to you when I've settled I promise!

"Mizaka!" you can't just leave!... "wait for me"! 

Her voice died out as soon I was out of her sight and then I ran as fast as my leg's would allow me to as I could see the ticket booth within sight. I didn't want to say goodbye to her... I didn't want her to see me cry anymore. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't allow her too see me ever again like that, so weak and vulnerable.

"WAIT I NEED A TICKET"!... trying to catch my last few breath's of air I had somehow managed to make it to the station in less than three minutes...

As I got to the booth I'm welcomed by an old man that looked like he was just ready to end it all he didn't look like he was having such a great day. 

"Miss were closed".... 

As I'm trying to catch my breath between the lack of oxygen in my lungs I had realized that I had somehow had tears rolling down my face.


The man said.

 "PLEASE"! my mother is sick and I have the only medicine in my bag that can help her if I don't make it back home I'm afraid I won't have a mother to come home too sir please!

As I bow my head down and pray that my little white lie works as I'm still trying to find my breath. 


 The man said, but the train leaves in two minutes....If you can...I darted without even letting him finish. "Miss wait!" do you even know where you're going?!, I looked back at the man and within seconds he dissipated into the fog that surrounded me.

I gave the trainmen my ticket. "alrighty miss aboard the Mugen train" Mugen train? I wonder where this bucket of steel will take me. At this point I don't care..anywhere but here is fine. As I sit in an empty booth I can't even begin to grasp that I actually did what I just did. I just walked away from a life that I thought would be the rest of my life, I left my best friend without any warning I just did something I've never thought id be doing.

As I adjust myself in my seat and new life that comes ahead I was mortified... I was afraid of what I was doing. "what if this is a mistake"?... What if i'm wrong in choosing to walk away?... my head was clouded with so many thought's I didn't know if I was making the right choice... as I continue to think I feel the steel under feet begin to vibrate and I soon realized it was to late to change my mind... I was on my way to a new life.

I began to think of Nezuko and how I hope she doesn't hate me for leaving, I mean I did kind of just leave everything behind and all,  all I really have with me is the clothe's in my bag a pair of zori sandals a brush and a hairbrush. I had decided to leave everything else behind me. I didn't want a single remnant that would remind me of him or my life before this day.

As I sit by the window and just stare out into the dark woods and gaze up at the glowing fireflies that illuminated the dark forest I'm once again overcome with grief and sorrow of what had happened earlier in the day.

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