familiar feeling's

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                                                                               Mizaka's POV

"Nezuko I'm happy where I'm at...

"Why can't you be happy for me? "I asked her, she had kept bugging me to come back home" " I know I just miss you everything's been so boring here without you everyone's dating someone... even Gi... she stopped before she could finish his name, I already knew what she was going to say. "I'm sorry"... that just kind of came out.

So it was true then... he had moved on, and so quickly too. I had felt all the feelings I had worked so hard to push aside come flowing back to me hitting me like a freight train, I remember it like yesterday, him telling me he was moving on, maybe he already had someone else the whole time and I was just too blindsided to know. "Mizaka"lets go it's getting late my mother will worry if we are out late. I sighed looking at my feet, I felt my heart sink deep into my chest. Nezuko then quickly grabbed my hand and jerked me away, she must have known all my memories were coming back to me. She was always good at knowing just when something was bothering me.

Let's go home... she softly grabbed my hand and led the way.

We made our way back to Nezuko's house her mom had asked how our time was at the festival and if we had met any cute guy's, Nezuko just laughed it off she was shy when it came to guys in particular, we were only a couple months apart in age and yet I had so much more experience with men than she did. ( not in the way your thinking...) 

We ate our dinner and headed up for a warm bath. after we had finished bathing we stayed up a bit watching the star's thru the open door the air was cool outside and you could hear the trees whispering away,

"Hey Mizaka?"...

I looked at Nezuko who had a million questions written all over her face, "This man you have been speaking about, " do you like him?

Her question came to a surprise I hadn't realized I talked about Kyo so much to make her think something was up, "Umm let's see"... "well he has the cutest little brother I just want to smoosh his cute little face, and...

"Thats not what I meant"... she paused I was dreading answering her question, " how did I feel about Kyo?...right away my memories of the dream I had about me and him popped into my head,


Nezuko looked at me with the most confused look on her face, there was no way I was going to tell her about my hot steamy sex dream I had about me and Kyo, "No freaking way! I tried to think of something to change the subject or else she'd never stop asking,

"Mizaka do you like him?"... At this point I figured I just say yes to get her to leave me alone about it.

"YES!"Nezuko"... I like him.

"I KNEW IT!"... she was so happy she almost jumped out of her futon, "Mizaka you have to go out with him." I thought about what to say back to her, " I don't think he likes me like that Nezu, his little brother loves me but Kyo... he is just a whole different breed I guess. Not in a bad way just that, well he's the son of a lord. Nezuko paused for a moment and her facial expression just said it all. "Mizaka... you mean to tell me he's a prince !

Silence grew thicker between us and I could find myself thinking about the dream I had of Kyo and me, I wondered if he'd really be that gentle and aggressive at the same time with me, would he touch me the way I dreamed of.

Forgetting I had started to day dream and Nezuko frantically trying to get my attention "Mizaka"  you have to date him for sure now !... "Nezu" I don't think it works like that... pausing and trying to get her to understand that marrying someone for social status wasn't okay, she swore she wouldn't stop till shed marry me off to someone who made me happy, as if it were here duty in life. 

"Hahah"... I laughed at her she was like a kid, almost like a kid sister to me we grew up together it was always me and her against the world, I felt bad for leaving but sometimes you just have too.

"How old is he?"... she asked,...

"To be honest Nezuko I'm not 100% sure but I think he's a couple years older than me"
I think he's 30, I remember him talking about it and I'm pretty sure that's what he said.

"Nezuko's" face looked pleased, almost as she had already approved of Kyo. So... Mizaka that's a perfect match your 29 and he's 30! You guys could get married and start making babies! She grinned with her eye's tightly shut almost as if she was afraid of seeing my shocked reaction to what her response just was. To be honest... it didn't bother me at all but I couldn't let her know that.

"What the hell Nezuko!"...I swear everyone's just trying to get me to marry him for some apparent reason...
I don't even know if he likes me like that...

I lay in my futon in silence, wondering about Kyo and why he wasn't with someone at his age.

"Is something wrong with him?" 

What if he's crazy or something...

My mind circled around the thought, his father did mention something about his ex and how she was a slut basically, I wonder if that's why he's stayed single all this time.

I wanted to ask Kyo so many things at this point, butI know we had only known each other a short period of time but I've come to like having him around, he's always there to walk me home some days, when it would get too late or he'd help me with carrying stuff for lady Chiyo. Maybe he did that just to be friendly?... I was lost in translation at this point. All these interactions were they really him just being polite or were they something more? 

I wanted to see Kyo, I wanted to tell him that I had feelings for him but I am just so afraid of rejection. I mean it wasn't too long ago I got dumped, and Giyu from the sound of it had found someone else already. And so fast too... was I ever anything to that man... I never want to feel that again... the pain of being casted aside and being told by the man whom you thought loved you tell that you're not what he wants anymore. It's some of the worst pain imaginable.

The thought of Giyu being with someone else stung, I hated him for what he'd done to me, but there's nothing that I could do at this point to change what happened but to accept it. People come into our lives as a lesson or a blessing and he was definitely a lesson learned. Although it hurts i'm still getting used to the thought of the last four years of my life were a lesson to be taught and not the happy days that it thought they were.

Nezuko had fallen asleep,... I guess she fell asleep waiting for my response, I looked at her, she was sound asleep not a care in the world, I wish that were me, free of any kind of pain, emotional, physical whatever it was I wish I could lay that peaceful at night again.

I looked out of the doorway the wind still whispering away thru the night, I wondered if Kyo was thinking of me the way I was thinking of him...

"Kyo"... I softly spoke his name as if In some magical way he could hear me. I fell asleep shortly after...

 I fell asleep shortly after

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