A new couple

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The next day Sonic and Shadow were at Sonic's with Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Cheese and Rouge.

"So what's up?" Tails asked.

"We have something to tell you." Sonic said a little nervous.

"What is it?" Amy asked.

"Me and Sonic are dating now." Shadow said.

Everyone sat there in shock.

Then they came back and Amy was mad.

Sonic noticed.

"Ames, I've been gone for four years, you should be over me and I love you as a sister and not a girlfriend." he said.

Everyone sat there looking back and forth.

She knew he was right so she nodded.

Everyone else sighed.

"You look after him Shadow." Knuckles said.

Sonic rolled his eyes.

"I can take care of myself Knux. You know that." he said.

"I know but still."

Sonic shook his head.

They were all a little surprised they started dating but at the same time they weren't.

A few hours later they were at work.

"So we have all six of you still hmm?" Eggman said while he watched Shadow get a Swatbot with a Chaos Spere, Tails with the X Tornado, Knuckles with a punch, Cream with a weapon made by Tails, Amy with her hammer and Rouge with a Screwkick.

"You know it!" Knuckles said.

Then Sonic got another with a Power Ring.

"When are you gonna learn that it's more than just me, Tails and Knuckles now? Silver and Blaze even help from time to time." he said smirking.

Eggman glared at him.

"Even after leaving four years ago you still have a team. I'm surprised you didn't retire when you came back after remembering what you said." he said.

Sonic stood there in silence along with everyone else.

"I stopped because I had to and you know that." he said.


"I had been fighting you for so long I had lost a lot of my Chaos and knew I wasn't going to live much longer. So I decided to do what was right for us all. Save us all, technically retire and let Shadow do what's right."

Everyone that didn't know about what was wrong gasped.

"The day after I came back we went to Angel Island so I could figure out if I needed to work on fighting again and how much Chaos I had. I started out with eighty nine and then at the end seventy seven. We had the Master Emerald and seven Chaos Emeralds think of something. So they made me my own limiters to get control again."

They looked at them and they nodded.

"Now why don't we just get back to the fight hmm?"

Then they continued.

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