chapter 13 / hÿdrâ

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Though Peter insisted on carrying both Bobby and Jean, they ran through the havok of the Avengers fighting more sentinels and back to the Avenger's tower. Hurrying into the medbay, laying them each down on their own table.

"Where's this doctor?"


"Alright, fighting... fair enough, got anyone else?"

"I mean- yes! We do, I'll go get them..."

A couple minutes passed, as a few nurses rushed in with a still masked Peter behind them.

"So what're we doing in the meantime?" asked Kitty, watching closely as one of the nurses examined Bobby.

"I don't know,"

She turned away from their conversation for a moment, then over to a nurse, "Will they be alright?"

"Yes, they should be." she replied.

"Thanks," turning back to Peter, "I'm not gonna wait to stand around here and wait for a sentinel core to fly through the window, let's go check out the rooftop."

"W-wait, wait, no- no, we shouldn't go do that!" he replied, stepping in front of the door.

"Why? Know something, Parker?"


"Is it about the infinity stone?"

He gulped.

"Who's trying to collect them this time?"


"Thanos? Who's that?"

"Some guy from space. He's dangerous though and I was told to stay inside..."

"Oh, well that sucks, because I heard Mr. Stark needs his stressball, now hurry it up and lead the way."

Kitty didn't wait for him to show her where to go, or for him to say anything either. She just went right through him, and the door, staring out the window in hopes to see something through the skies.

The door opened, as Peter peeked his still masked head out.

"I think the party is already over..." he said.

"They finished that quickly. Let's go check it out." she replied, grabbing his arm as they walked up a set of stairs and back to the familiar helipad.

"Ahhh, there you guys are. I present to you, the teenagers!" exclaimed Iron Man, sarcastiacally, as they were met with a couple new faces.

Scott and Kitty locked eyes, as he came towards her and asked her vigorously, "Where's Jean? What happened to you two?"

"Jean and Bobby are safe in the medbay. Car accident. Got stepped on by some sentinels."


"Yeah. He's alright. I don't know how he got out without the others but he's good."

Scott nodded, than rushed away to go find Jean.

Kitty than went over to Iron Man.

"Where's Remy and the stone?"

"Your friend took off. But we have the stone, and all the sentinels are gone."

"Are you sure? Completely positive you have it?"

"Yep, Clint! Got it, correct?"

"Yeah, safe and sound!" replied arrow man, looking down to the cubed source of light.

"What's next? I heard there's someone trying to regroup these things?"

"Yeah... we're gonna have to go get them ourselves before he can."

"Do we have any leads?"

"No. But expect to split up later on as soon as we get some."

"What're we doing in the meantime than?"

"Waiting. We already have two, meaning we don't have any urgency to get up and panic, he can't be that dangerous with all six."

"2? Since when did we have two?"

"Since we got the tesseract,"

"You're telling me you've had one all along before this as well?"


"Well maybe that's what Gambit took off with."

"The mind stone is safe in Visions head, your friend can't steal that."

"That's fine. I'm gonna go back to the medbay then."

"Okay. And I promise you my staff won't let anything bad happen to them."

"Yeah, thanks."

Kitty walked off, letting the whispers and array of guesses between the new faces and familiar ones of who she was be left on the radar, while she went back to the medbay and walked past stars and stripes.

"Hey! Wait!" he said, rushing over to her.

"Hm?" she replied.

"Who are you guys?"

"Mutants, did Iron Man not tell you?"

"Iron Man? Why not just call him Tony?"

"Okay? Did Tony not tell you?"

"No, the last I heard there were three of you and broke into one of his thirty abandoned warehouses."

"Well we're mutants, used to live down at Xavier's school."

"Before the missel...?"

"Yeah, that's what used to means. Anyways, I'm gonna go check on my friends. Nice meeting you." she said coldy, opening the medbay door and parting ways with the man, as he smiled, nodding while watching her enter.

Standing over Jean, was Scott, as he eyed her wounded and damaged body, while Kitty overlooked Bobby.

The doctor here assured them they'd be fine, but now that she got a closer look at them she realized how pale and off they looked, lifeless, almost.
But they still had their pulses.

"They don't look too-"

"Shush!" Scott hissed.

Kitty rolled her eyes.

"You're just heari-"

"Kat I'm serious. Be quiet."

Though Kitty couldn't see behind his eyes, she could see how he was squinting out the window that leads into the main hall.

"We have to go," he said, alarmed.

"What? What's going on!"

"They're here!"

"Who's here?"


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