Ring of fire.

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"Lauren Cimorelli, you strongly know that what you just did is strictly prohibited. You almost killed Anne and yourself. Especailly Yourself. You used your powers because of rage and anger. You are NOT supposed to do that!!!!" Bry yelled as he slumped his hands on the table startling Lauren.

Lauren gulped and tried to speak.  "but.. i did not mean that. I did not even know that i have that power! I mean-" she said but was cut off.

"Oh no no stupid excuses. Just stop talking and go into detention right now! Pathetic excuse for a trainee." Bry said and Lauren's face grew sad.

She didn't know her boss would be that cruel .

She stood up from her chair and run through the door and passing through the guards. She tried to fought the tears  that was threatening to fall but she failed. She went straight outside and into the woods and just kept running.

She did not care where she was going. She did not care of the scary night and eerie silence. Finally,she came to a halt near a big leaf-less tree and sat on it's big roots.

She put her head on her hands and started sobbing. Bry's voice are echoing on her mind that made her tears flow harder.

Then she was startled by a voice.

"You know, you don't have a great taste on finding a place to cry don't you? " a deep voice said.

Lauren's head shot up trying to find the voice . A boy jumped down from the leaf-less tree and went near Lauren.

Lauren shook her head down and said.  " Ohh..i-im sorry i did not know someone would come here in the middle of the night sitting at the top of the tree. " she said still trying to stop the tears from falling not looking at the boy from the tree.

The boy chuckled and made his way infront of Lauren then he squat down to meet Lauren's tearful eyes with his green fierce yet sweet looking eyes.

"You are one of a girl aren't you? You should stop crying now. Here. I'm Hank by the way." He said offering her a handkerchief which she gladly took.  

"I'm Lauren." She said and was about to use the handkerchief to dry her tears off but hank stopped her which caused her to looked at him with eyebrows raised.

"You should used it when you are sure enough if you wont cry anymore. Because once the handkerchief was wet and you still have tears flowing on, then the handkerchief would be useless." Hank said smiling at Lauren.   Lauren nodded and put the handkerchief on her lap.

Hank continued.  " So,rough day eh? Tell me if you won't mind. I still have a long night."  He said sitting down next to Lauren. 

Lauren breathed some big air and started talking.   She told him all about what happened there. From the fire in her hands,her boss scolding her and up to the scene in the tree. Hank patted Lauren's back as she started crying again.

"You know you should start treating him just like an ordinary person. I mean she treated you like a trash and a girl like you shouldn't be treated like that." Hank said comfortingly putting his hands on her shoulder.  Lauren looked at him and asked.

"So what do you think i should do?" Lauren said and the two standing up.

"If i were you, i would not do what he want me to do.  Now if you won,t mind i need to go!" Hank said winking at Lauren and started running away.

Lauren watched him go as she realized something.   " HANK HOW OLD ARE YOU?" she yelled

" SAME AS YOURS  LAUREN!" Hank's voice echoed and he was completely out of sight.

" How did he know mine?" Lauren said to herself.    She looked around and saw Hank's  handkerchief on the roots of the tree. She picked it up and smiled.

*Rustle rustle*

Her smile turned into confusion as she heard the noise.  Then almost laughed at herself as she realized it was coming from a squirrel

She smiled and looked at it and tried to read it's thoughts.   It wasn't working. She tried again and it still doesn't work. She started to panic a bit. 

"Should i try fire?"  She said to herself and stood up.

She positioned her hands into the ground and breathed deeply . She closed her eyes and opened it. Nothing happened.  
She closed it again and the flashback of her boss' face while yelling at her occurred. Which filled her with rage.   That's when she opened her eyes. Ball of fire went to the ground and burned the grass. 

She smiled. But after awhile the fire started to move. Lauren raised her eyebrows in confusion. She wasn't doing that.  
The fire moved around the tree until Lauren was surrounded.   She tried to go outside the ring of fire but the moment she reached the fire  it went crazy. 

It went bigger and closer to Lauren. Lauren went to the tree  and tried to climb it but failed.  The heat of the fire started to  hurt Lauren's skin.

The fire was being manipulated  by someone and as Lauren tilted her head she saw a figure running away from a tree on her left.  It was a girl figure and she was sure of it.

Lauren started to suffocate .  She coughed and coughed until she fell on the floor almost unconscious.

"Help me Dani.....Luke..........Anne." Was the last thing she said as she saw the fire touched her skin and drowned into the darkness.


"OKAY EVERYBODY BREAKFAST READY." One of the guardians announced.

Dani went to the usual table with Luke and Ian joined in.   They are in the middle of the conversation when Anne arrived,slamming her tray as usual.

Awkward silence filled their table  when Ian decided to break it.

"So guys have you heard the news? Sorcerers were caught in the forest yesterday. Not literally caught. But was seen. I think they are spying. " Ian said munching some of his self-made sandwich.

Luke and Dani agreed but Anne said nothing.

"Umm guys have you seen Lauren? She's not here."  Luke pointed out as he looked at the empty chair on their table.

Dani looked at it and grimaced.

"I bet she was in detention. What she did yesterday was a big mess! "  Ian exclaimed which earned daggers from Luke and Dani.

"I guess she was in detention. She was not in our room yesterday....let's just go with that.." Dani said hiding her discomfort.

'But what about my dream? Was it a dream? I thought i heard her call my name. Must be my imagination.'  Dani thought but Anne heard it clearly and straightened up.

"I thought so too. Dani. I thought so too." Anne said looking at Dani directly. 

The door opened loudly causing a sudden silence on the cafeteria.  Guardians are carrying someone on their arms towards the clinic.
The person is badly burned so it was hard to recognized who that is.

But as Anne saw the person's hand, she looked at Dani and said.

"It is Lauren."

Then Dani's glass fell into the floor.

" LAUREN!!!!!"

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This is short but i had to update because im afraid i have 1% chance to update next week.


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