The Untitled Future

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" What are you doing here?!?" Dani asked looking at Anne confusingly. It was already darkening outside when they finally continued to talk.

"What else do you think?"  Anne said rolling her eyes. she folded her hands in her chest while watching the younger girl dug in her food.

"ohh. You got here to bring this food?  Well thank you. You can go now..." Dani said placing the empty tray and looking away.

Anne groaned by Dani's innocence and ran beside her, Grabbed her hand then 1..2..3 they disappeared like an ash without a trace just in time before the door squeaked open and there came the guard. The guard panicked as soon as he saw that the room is empty.


The guards went to their boss' office.

"Boss, we are sorry to say that the prison, dani cimorelli had escaped. We have no idea how." The guard said.

Bry looked up at him and glared. " She escaped. You cant do anything now. She is a fast runner. Next time, KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE PRISON!!!" He said slamming his hands on the table causing the guards to cringe.

The guards nodded and went away.


Dani and Anne appeared in the forest. On the leaf-less burned tree. This was where Lauren was burned. Dani cringe.

But she managed to speak. " Ugh.. Thanks about that. But what exactly are we doing here?"

Anne did not looked at her. She just stared at the tree.  Somehow she can see what happened on that night by just looking at the tree. But she don't know why.  "Must be another power" She muttered to herself.

"umm Anne? Not wanting to scare you but...there is..umm a-a-a" Dani stuttered but Anne did not respond. She was still looking at the tree.

"A-anne? Anne! T-there i-is a-a-aa- b-big wolf.." Dani said as she saw the creature looking at Dani, Danger in its eyes. Then it started running towards Dani. Dani's eyes widened. She can't move. But she screamed. "ANNEEEEEEEEEEEE!" She closed her eyes and embraced herself, waiting for the pain and growl of the wolf but that never came.

She heard a chuckle.  Dani slowly opened her eyes and saw the big and scary wolf licking Anne's hands.

"You should have seen your face- oh nevermind" Anne said smiling a little. She patted the wolf's head as the wolf lowered its head.

Dani fixed herself and gulped. " Is that your pet? No wonder, you aren't paying attention to me." she stated as her eyes wondered on the wolf. The wolf is not ordinary. It has a blue,black,white and gold streak running through the center of its back,from its tail and up to it's nose. It has a very thick fur and is about  5'5 ft tall when it stand on it's hinged legs. It was very big. But above all this, its eyes changes color, from black, to red, then to yellowish then to black again.

"Yes it is. i found him here, wounded so i treated him. I named him Savour don't ask me why. " Anne said as she leaned down to the dog and whispered something. Savour's ears perked up and wagged its tail. Savour looked at Dani and started walking.

"ohh no no no noooooooooooo" Dani groaned as the wolf went towards her, pounced on her and licked her face.

Anne watched Dani and her wolf , She smiled. 'Atleast they are happy' she thought.  

Dani was already gasping for air when Anne called the wolf to a halt. Savour went towards Anne obediently.

Anne patted the wolf and it went away.

Anne went towards dani, who was still on the ground gasping for air and stuck out her hand. " Here let me help you"

Dani didn't even got the chance to breathe but as soon as she touched Anne's hand, They teleported again.

This time, they appeared in the Cimorelli's Backyard. Dani's eyes widened.

"Hey i can't ! They will know about LAuren and Bry said-" she said but was cut off by Anne's cold voice. Again.

"I don't follow his orders. I'm your guardian so i suggest you should tell them. Be gentle though. I'll be on the window.

Dani looked at her dumbfounded. When she snapped out of it, she grabbed Anne's hands and dragged her into their back door.

'I knew it' Anne thought. She smirked. 

Dani opened the door that led to their kitchen. Her sister, Katherine and Christina was there.

"OMG DANI!!" Katherine and Christina both yelled as they tackled dani into a bone-crushing hug while anne just stood there admiring the new view she is seeing.

Finally, when the hug was over, dani spoke. "Uh.. guys this is my guardian, Anne." she said pointing towards Anne.

Anne said nothing. She just looked at the two older girls blankly. Kath and christina smiled confusingly.

"umm..she's always like that. ehehe by the way-" Dani started but wasn't able to finish as Christina spoke, looking directly at Anne.

"wait.. Anne right? I think i've know this name before. Do i know you? Do we know you? You looked familiar. What is ur surnam-" Christina asked but Dani cut her off.

"Christina! Okay...stop ranting. She brought me here to tell you all something. Let's go get the others" and with that, they took off.




."And im sorry to tell that Lauren is still not waking up. But you cant go there because guards are there so you cant. This was not allowed either but..." Dani said finishing the story about Lauren.

Her family stood there in shock. Dani cringe. She couldn't bear to see their reaction so she nodded to Anne. Anne held her hand then they teleported back to the basement.

With that, Christina, KAtherine, Lisa and Amy started crying.  The lights went on and off due to Christina's crying. her powers to manipulate electricity affected the lights. Then violet spores and thick ink like water started to occure due to Katherine's power to produce poison and to manipulate it. Lisa was clutching her head as mixed memories kept flashing through her mind in a very fast motion. Lava started to occur too when Amy cried her heart out. Lava was her power.

Their parents tried to calm the girls and Mike and Alex tried to calm the little boys. The sight was devastating that no one could ever looked at it.

meanwhile on Lisa's memories and future seeing, despite of the mixed sight, she can hear words and heart palpitation.. Certain words which made her eyes to open.

"Lauren...please dont die. "



AN UPDATE YAY. short again. Coz i'll be busy next week and yeah. 

It is our last week of school days so.., PARTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

V O T E   O R   C O M M E N T 

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