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"Where the hell are we going?" Asked a very frustrated Ian for the hundredth time that day to a calm Anne as they walked for miles.

Anne looked at him and rolled her eyes. "Geez, just wait and you'll see"

"Wait???! I've been waiting and walking for 3 hours and you're telling me to wait??" Ian yelled in frustration as he run his hands through his hair.

Anne did not stop nor paid him a glance even just for a second. She keeps walking , Ian trailing behind. "Stop whining, you sound like a girl" Anne retorted.

And this time, Ian clamped his mouth shut. They've been walking for several hours right now after packing their things and Anne informing Bry about their trip which Bry agreed though concern is in his eyes, he did not stopped them for he knows what Anne's purpose is.

After half an hour of walking, they reached a shore, which a ship is parked. Anne climbed the ship as Ian stared at confusion and amazement. Anne looked at him and smirked. The ship is big, not too big but it can be considered large enough. It is the color of black with white designs outside of some sort of symbols Ian cannot quite understand. The silver railings are shining so bright even when a little bit of light hits it. Ian felt his jaw dropped.

"Close your mouth, You'll catch flies." Anne yelled at him causing him to snap in reality and ready to talk back when Anne did not gave him a chance to."Come in here quickly. It'll sail now"

Ian grumbled under his breath and run towards the ship. When they both are in, the ship started moving. Anne led Ian to a living room like room and they both sat in a black sofa with chocolate drinks in the small table in the middle. Anne took a sip at her cup while Ian took in the surroundings. It looked like exactly what a living room in a house would be but the thing is, almost all the things are black. Black sofas, television,cushions,carpet,floor,walls,table,chairs, and even the cup is black.

Ian had the urged to ask why but decided against it, and instead, asked the question he asked a hundred times awhile ago.

"Now, tell me, where are we going?" Ian asked, looking seriously at the older girl across her who's calmly sitting cross-legged and sipping a cup of the chocolate drink. The girl looked at him straight in the eyes and spoke.

"Somewhere special for me."  was all Anne said.

This brought more confusion to Ian's mind. He raised his eyebrow. "So am i special to you? Because you are bringing me to a place that is special to you" he reasoned out. Anne looked at him like he just grew another head. The silence is deafening until Anne snorted in laughter.

She clutched her stomach after putting down the cup as she continued to laugh like there's no tomorrow. Ian faked a gasp but smiled. He haven't seen such a laugh from Anne until now. It was very new..very refreshing. "What is so funny?"  he pretended to be hurt.

Anne chuckled as the last bit of laughter left her. She bit her tongue as Ian's words replayed in her head like a movie scene. She snorted and turned towards the boy, fixing her posture.

"Funny? it is you. You? Special? As if. I'm bringing you to it because i'm gonna train you to protect and guard someone special to me, as she is to you." Anne explained, bringing another cup of the chocolate drink to her mouth. Ian did not even batted an eyelid as he guessed who the person is.


"Yes indeed." Anne said.

"But why? Why me? Is Lauren not special to you? Why not bring Luke?" Ian let out the questions that lingered in his mind for quite awhile now.

Anne looked at him, her eyes seemed a bit distant. Ian thought her brown eyes turned into slight blue but it vanished before he could even confirm it.

"Lauren can protect herself but I was planning to, but i know he'll be busy, and we're not in good terms right now so you're the perfect option. So why don't you leave that cup in here and let my crews clean it up? I'll show you to your room, let's call it a day. We'll arrived tomorrow." Anne said as she trudged outside the living room towards some doors, showing Ian his room and leaving in her own room.

Ian opened the door to his room, too pre-occupied to notice his surroundings as he plopped on the bed, a black one, and fell asleep.


Meanwhile, back in the base, Dani is pacing back and forth in the girl's dorm as she thought about where Ian is. She hadn't seen him anywhere and so does Anne. What if something happened? What if they are together and decided to go away?  Dani, having this thought in her mind,growled and paced once more, her, becoming so occupied did not noticed that she's pacing in a very fast rate until Alexa, shouted.

"CAN YOU PLEASE STOP THE HELL UP. I'M GETTING DIZZY I AM READY TO PUKE." Alexa yelled. Though Dani did not care, she stormed on her bed and flopped on it. 

"Dani chill, they're alright, Anne is with him, i heard Bry's thoughts. He said they went somewhere but he did not know where.' LAuren tried to soothe the burning anger and despair  of the almost 15 years old girl, her birthday is on next month.

"Why did they not informed us? Stupid Anne, i'll get to her when they get back." And with that, dani turned away and snuggled on the blanket. Lauren knew there's more to it but the conversation is finished.

She flopped on her own bed and let her thoughts linger. She turned her head in her right and saw a new single bed where the new girl, August is, already sleeping.  She looked at her with curiosity. She was indeed beautiful, but what was up between her and Luke? Like Luke was glued to the girl and was suddenly attracted even on seeing her for the first time, and August was too. She can feel that Luke liked  August. 

What about Anne? What happened to her and luke? And where was she and Ian? Is Dani's  accusations about them are true? What if it isn't? And what if it is not? And what happened to the clone?

So many questions went through Lauren's mind until she drifted off to sleep. The moment she dozed off, August woke up.

She looked around and seeing all the dorm mates are asleep, she took out a bracelet with blue,red,green and white stones in it. She stood up and went to the window, seeing the moon, she placed it on the moon's light and started a chant.

The sacred moon is so bright

thou shall help me through this night

Make my knight, fall in love

I shall return, the same love.

 All the stones lit, one by one.

After a minute, she took it and went back to sleep.





hope you still support this tho. <3

Dani is still 14 in here <3

i wonder what is  the chant for?

V  O  T  E     O R    C  O  M  M  E  N  T

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