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Anne hovered above the people below her who's staring at her in shock. But she kept her blank gaze towards the man in the cloak, who's staring at her too with amusement and shock in his eyes. The cold night wind blew around them causing the warlocks and the sorcerers to shiver but Anne seemed unfazed.  She slowly went down, using the air around her to do that, still keeping her gaze into the man who did not moved at all but the amusement was already masked by a cold,wicked one.

"My, My. And who's this pretty little hero today? An airborn? How can possibly an airborn warlock defeat that kind of power? Now tell me darling. " The man said, secretly using his hypnotizing and a very powerful persuading power while taking a few steps towards Anne who had already a stone- hard face.

Anne held her hand up, stopping the man from going any further. The man furrowed his eyebrows in confusion for he knew that his persuading did not affect the girl at all.

" Stop there Rence. An airborn? Me? Wow.  You look like an idiot but I didn't know that you really ARE an idiot. A villain thinking that an airborn had managed to defeat that ball of power of yours? Such a pity." Anne retorted spitting each and every word with venom and hatred which made the sorcerers and the other warlocks to back away in fear.  Ian hissed at Anne to stop, the boy having no idea of what's running in the tough girl's mind. But it was indeed, dangerous.

The man, Rence, stepped forward and narrowed his eyes. He could not believe that a stranger to his eyes knew his name. Real name. Even if he was known , nobody knew his name. Nobody except 2 people who's apparently dead already, he assumed. 

"How do you know my name? Who are you?"

Anne laughed, it was cold and strange. "You don't know me? Well, I happen to be the daughter of your beloved "best friend". Does that ring any bell?"

"No it can't be. You can't be the daughter of the legend!!!" Gasps erupted and whispers started.

Rence eyes widened but he attempted to fix it back to normal, which he did successfully. The silence is the only thing that can be heard around them. It was like all of their voices were taken away from them.  Rence took a step backward and without tearing his gaze from Anne, commanded the sorcerers to attack.

At first, the sorcerers are reluctant but eventually ran towards the remaining warlocks, shouting battle cries. The warlocks are very weak, most of them are half dead, bleeding , bruised, injured. Ian, Jake, Jacob and Luke are the only four that are able to actually stand.  The sorcerers went near and just as they were about to smash the warlocks to pieces, they stumbled upon an invisible force, protecting warlocks from anyone that would attempt to be near.  All the sorcerers stumbled back, some even went a few feet away from the force , the invisible shield provided. The warlocks are surprised until they realized where that came from.

Ian and Lauren Jumped to their feet, realizing what Anne is doing. Too late.  The time froze, the sorcerers, rence, everything froze except for warlocks. Anne turned to them and looked at them straight to the eye. Telepathing each of them, she gave them one final message.

She looked at Ian. ' You're very brave Ian. You're strong. well stronger now since I've trained you. Continue protecting Dani and the other. I'm rooting on you.'

She looked at Jacob. " I know you don't know me but i know you more than you think. Protect Lisa and her family. You're strong, you have the power of strength haven't you? Nice meeting you Jacob.'

She turned to Dani. 'Hey..Sorry for kidnapping your boyfriend, I know you're angry at me, probably want to kill me but don't worry, you won't have any problem doing that anymore. Protect Ian dearly. Love him and I know you already do. I did not steal and married him kay? Nice seeing you again Dani.'

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