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"Have you heard the news? Several detainees had been chased by several unknown wild dogs just around the corner. They all got bitten and was transferred at the clinic awhile ago." Ian exclaimed as they gathered at the ground near the entrance in the forest.

It's been a week since the accident of Lauren and all seemed back to normal. Except for the thick tension between Bry and Anne which no one seemed to notice. Anne became cold again like she was, when they all first met her. 

"Dogs? A-around the corner?  Ohhh, i'm never gonna go around the corner again." Lauren said nervously as she picked up some leaves and played with it. Luke,Ian and dani laughed. Anne just stayed silent.

Luke shifted his gaze from the ground to Anne. He knew and had admitted to himself that he likes Anne very much but was too scared to tell her.  He stared at Anne, admiring Anne's beautiful features as Anne stared deeply to nowhere in particular.

"Right Luke? Luke?" Dani finished saying whatever she was saying as she nudged Luke on the ribs causing Luke to shift his gaze from Anne to Dani.

"uhh what?" he said confused . Dani, Lauren and Ian burst out in laughing.  Luke narrowed his eyebrows. 

"what's so funny?" 

"You! You've been staring at Anne for awhile now that you didn't even heard what i've said" Dani said as they continued laughing.

Their laugh was interrupted by the ringing of the bell. Anne immediately stood up and went inside the basement.   The rest followed.

Bry was already standing at the platform, holding his mic as he waited for the detainees and guardians to be lined up.

Finally, all of them were gathered as Bry cleared his throat. 

"Good day to all of you. I just wanted to inform you about the danger roaming around the corner" Brys started . Lauren, IAn, LUke And Dani tensed as they heard the word. They knew what to expect.

Bry looked at them then continued. " Dogs were roaming around, but these dogs are no ordinary dogs, they could kill in an instant. They always got like these when they knew that Danger are already here so they joins. The only thing that could stop them is a dog Master which does not exist now. It was rumoured that the last Dog master was the last legend but the legend was killed. So i suggest all of you to stay here in the basement or if you are going around, bring someone brave with you. That's all. Dismissed."

The bell rang again signalling all of them to go back to what they are doing. Ian,Luke and dani on the other hand decided to go into their dorms to have a break. They are still gaining strength for the big unknown challenge for tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Lauren did not know what to go, she didn't want to go into their dorms yet because it was too early for that, it feels like she has all the strength she needed and she don't know why. Then an idea popped into her head but she hesitated.

She fiddled with her fingers for a moment and finally decided to do the idea in her head despite of her boss' warnings.

Then almost immediately, she went outside the basement and walked around the corner. The surroundings were deadly silent. It was weird but Lauren did not seem to mind, she even felt peace around that. She walked and walked.

Finally, she found a bench and decided to take a rest in it since she had been walking for half an hour right now.

She closed her eyes for a moment and let the cold breeze of air to hit her face. It felt so refreshing. Then almost silently, she heard light  steps.

She opened her eyes and looked around, but saw nothing.  Then she heard it again but this time, it was joined by low silent growls. Without turning, she made a mad dash towards the path on the way to their basement as she heard barks and howls of different dogs chasing her to death. 

She looked back and saw a dozen of wild big dogs chasing after her. Due to fear, she lost her way and she found herself face to face in  some tall wall. She was cornered.

She turned around and saw the dogs gaining on her. She looked left and right for something to have in order to fight but nothing was there. The dogs came  closer.  She went deeper in the corner but it was no use. 

The dog's fangs showed as they prepared to kill the poor girl. LAuren's body shook in fear as she looked at the hungry dogs, she could not move any muscle. The dogs are inch closer when someone shouted, making the dogs stop.

"DETENGASE! BASTA! " In a blink of an eye, the dogs stayed still. Their hungry eyes were no longer evil but instead it was calm .

Lauren looked to where the voice came from and her jaw dropped. 

It was Anne.  Anne stared at her, her eyes are in mix color. The one is red, the other one was green.

Anne raised her  right hand and all the wild dogs turned their attention in it as Anne swayed it towards the left. All the dogs followed and went away from Lauren.

Anne looked at her .

"Planning to get killed? Should have told me." She said in a cold voice. Then in an instant, her Red and green eyes was replaced by a black cold one.

Lauren stared at her in shock.

" are a.."

"Dog MAster."




Found out the cimorelli's new cover?  <333

ahah btw the other bands are not here yet, they will be maybe on the next chapter, or the other one. But it was very soon.


Promoting this would be a lovely idea MWAHAH


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