The man.

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Anne and Ian finally arrived in their destination after Anne's numerous banging on Ian's temporary room , waking him up. It took time for Ian to be ready causing for him to faced a frowning Anne on his door. They got off the ship and Ian immediately looked around. There, just a few meters away from him is a very big and white building. it was tall and wide. very wide. He glanced back to their ship only to find it gone, and the sea he is expecting is also gone. The only thing left there is a very deserted field. He shivered. Fearing of becoming lost in the wide deserted place, he searched for Anne only to find her already on the entrance of the wide building.

"Hey Anne wait!" He jogged towards the entrance of the building, just in time as the door started closing, Anne already inside. the door closed with a silent sound but it echoed through the hallways. 

"It took you time looking around. C'mon, We gotta start, and before you ask, this is the place where i've trained. No one's here. We also got here by air, not by water.  Also, no one knew about this, well except bry of course" Anne paused rolling her eyes. She continued but was got cut off by the sound of footsteps. This place is almost empty so any sound can be heard. Even a pin dropping would echo.

Ian froze. 'Didn't she just said that no one's here?' Ian's thoughts lingered around. The footsteps came nearer and nearer but the two is still frozen in place. Anne is surprised someone is here. She should've attacked the intruder right now but there is something about the rhythm of the footsteps that makes her stop. The footsteps stopped as a figure appeared at the end of the hallways.The figure broke into a surprised grin before jogging towards Anne. Anne's jaw dropped open as the figure hugged her tight.

"D-dad? What are you doing in here? I-i haven't seen you in ages. i -I thought you were dead." Anne haven't prevented the gasps that came out from her mouth as she took in the appearance of the man that she haven't seen since she was 6. since the accident happened. The man has a stoned face but it soften since she saw the girl. His eyes are just like Anne's, only it was color green. Permanent color. His face is still young despite the old age he had. The man smiled warmly at Anne.

"my dear young darling, I've missed you so much. I'm sorry if i haven't got the chance to get to you. I will tell you what happened but why don't we get to the Dining room and have a tea. Your friend over there seems to have a thousand of questions wanting to burst from his mouth." The man chuckled. He extended his had towards the gaping Ian which he took gladly. " I am Simon, father of Anne. Come dear, i have an explanation to make."

With that, Simon led the way towards the dining room. Ian gaped for the 3rd time that day, seeing a long table in a very wide room. It was very big. Biggest dining room he had ever seen. the three sat in the end of the table, a tea already served in the table. They each took a sip from their cups before Simon started speaking.

"Perhaps, i should start my long journey right now. Anne, the time i've vanished, i teleported in the bermuda triangle. I thought i was alone but no, the enemy had managed to get in through the portal i have made. There, i was already wounded. I was cornered by him. He managed to get my powers right there and then. He managed to get all of it except for the golden one which i haven't used my entire life. With that, he decided to leave me, in the bermuda triangle, alone. With the last strength i had, i put myself into sleep for 15 years. for 15 years i slept. the wounds healed by itself. I, regained my strength but i no longer have any powers except for the golden one. However, the mysterious golden one power activated by itself, something triggered it which i do not know what.I managed to escape the bermuda triangle and i found myself in here. I haven't realized it was yours until now. I'm just so glad you are here. But ..i got something to tell you,I'll be leaving today actually, i've spent so many time in here, i cannot stay. One of the realms i've encountered with had been calling me. " The room was filled with silence as the story was told. Anne did not show any emotion but her eyes turned into blue. Her father, that she thought was dead, had suffered a lot that she thought. He had no more powers. And now, she just saw him again and yet, he was leaving. Again.

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