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Ian rolled on the floor, exhausted as Anne threw a powerful kick on his legs causing him to dropped on the floor. Anne had been basically kicking his ass since the start of the training and they've been training for the past 4 hours. His muscles felt sore.

"geez. I've felt like I've been fighting a fragile girl. Are you sure you are not one?" Anne teased looking at Ian with humor in her eyes. Before Ian could retort, she continued."Okay okay, let's take a break. You looked like a beaten fly. C'mon" Anne walked away, not bothering to help the beaten guy on the sandy ground.

Ian used all his energy to stand up and followed the girl on the way to the building. He had a few bruises on his arms and legs. Especially on his legs which Anne targeted badly. He groaned. 'Why did i even agreed on this training? This is torture.'  Ian thought as he continued grumbling about it. 

Anne sighed. "It's because of Dani you idiot. " Hearing this, Ian stopped walking and looked at the now black-eyed girl staring at him too.

Anne's word slowly sank on his mind. It's because of Dani. The girl he learned to love. Cliche but true. He needed to endure this training/ torture for her. He'd do it. For her.He sighed and nodded before continued trudging towards Anne. They've reached the room, which is the dressing room. Anne went inside and closed the door. Ian stayed infront of the door.  A few minutes later, she came out and looked at Ian. Confused at first and then realization seemed to hit her and she gestured towards inside of the room and told him that he may choose whatever he wants to wear. 

Ian nodded and went inside. He gaped. It was like he's in a closet full of different kinds of clothes. He looked to the left and he saw the clothes he wanted. He picked up some Navy shorts and a jersey and continued to pick the rest. After dressing up, he reached for the door and went outside only to see that Anne is not there. 'Where could she possibly be in this huge building/house?'  As if hearing his thoughts, which she probably did, He heard her voice shouting, "In the kitchen"  somewhere on his left.

He started going through it and eventually found her cooking something. He sat at the big kitchen table and just looked at her. "I did not know you could cook" was all he said as he stared at her, dumbfounded.

Anne barely looked at him and answered. "You never asked. " She turned off the fire and served the food in the kitchen table and took a sit. Ian looked at the strange food in his plate. He never seen this before. It was strange.

"What is this?"

"Food. Now just eat it and gain some muscles. You are thin as a stick." Anne rolled her eyes as she happily munched on her food.

Ian skeptically looked at the food before shoving some on his mouth. He almost gasped, causing him to choke. The food is so delicious that when he finished it, he asked for more which Anne gladly served him.

"So, why aren't you telling much about yourself?" Ian asked munching on his 5th served of the food. 

Anne did not stopped munching her food as she answered. "What is there to tell ?"

"About your friends,family and powers." Ian said, starting to be interested in their topic. It was probably his chance to know more about Anne. But it was harder than he thought.

"I got no friends."

"Well how about your dad? Who is he? And your mom?" Ian asked, absent-minded-lyish. Realization hit him." Oh..if you wouldn't mind telling me,of course."

Anne sighed. There is no escaping now. She couldn't hide everything about her. 

"Okay fine. My mom is Evelyn Everdee and my dad is...." She hesitated.

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