chapter 2

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korekiyo pov

after school i go home and wait for rantaro to get here. 'does this mean that were friends? i mena he is coming to hang out.' after a couple minutes i get a knock at the door. i go to open it and see rantaro. "hey." he says. "hello." i say and step aside to let him in. "woah your house is nice." rantaro complements. "thank you." i say. "so why isn't anyone else here?" he then asks. "oh i moved out of my house because of....personal reasons." i tell him. "but that doesn't matter right now. what would you like to do?" i ask. "oh i honestly don't know." rantaro answers. "well we could go to my room i have lots of things to do in there." i suggest. "ok!" he says and i lead him to my room.

"i have nail polish and make up here then i also have netflix so we can watch tv and i have some beads and string to make bracelets." i tell him. "oh! can i paint your nails? i'm really good at it." rantaro asks. "sure i would be delighted!" i say and then pick out the colors.

as he paints my nails i ask. "this might be a stupid question but does this mean we're friends?" "yeah i mean if you want to be." rantaro answers. i smile then after a little i say. "thank you." "for what?" rantaro asks confused. "for not being scared of me and for being so nice usually everyone dislikes me and thinks i'm weird." i explain. "oh well it's no problem kiyo." rantaro says. "kiyo?" i ask. "oh are you ok with me calling you that?" "yes it fine."

after my nails are done drying i rewrap the bandages around my hands. "can we watch something on tv?" rantaro asks. "mhmm." i nod and turn on the tv.

~time skip~

after a while rantaro asked. "can i just sleep over it's really late?" "yeah you can it's fine." i answer. then we went back to watching tv.

after a while i started getting tired so i told rantaro i was going to bed.

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