chapter 6

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A/N - sorry if this chapter seems more like a filler chapter

korekiyo pov

this day with rantaro has been lovely hopefully we can come here again. i got up and walked home. i got to learn a lot about rantaro today. i found out he wants a dog and that he has to take care of all his sisters because his parents are away. 'maybe as a gift i could get him a dog' i think. so i walked to the nearest animal shelter and looked for one.

after the worker lead me to the back i immediately started looking for one i think rantaro would like. after a couple minutes of searching i found a small brown puppy that i think he would like. i asked the worker about him and they said that i could take him so i bought him them brought him to gundham's house.

once i got there i knocked on the door. after a few seconds the door opened and i saw gundham. "what do you need mortal?" they asked me. "can you please watch this dog for a little when i go get supplies for it?" i ask him. "yes i can mortal." gundham answered and took the dog. "thank you o appreciate it." i thank him and leave for the pet store. once i get there i get a basket and start filling it with dog food dog bowls toys ect. i then pay for everything and get the dog back from gundham.

once i get home i call rantaro. "hey rantaro  i have something for you can you meet me at my house?" i ask. "yeah sure i have something for you too." he answered then hung up. about 10 minutes later he came over. i let him in and told him to sit on the couch and wait. i then grabbed the dog and brought it out to him. "oh my god kiyo! you didn't have to do this!" he said surprised. "well i could tell how much you wanted a dog so i got you one..." i said a little awkwardly. "you're so sweet!" rantaro said and hugged me. "i'm gonna name him bear." he said and pet him. then he said. "wait here i have to grab your gift." he then ran out to his car and came back with a black cat. "oh my... thank you rantaro thank you so much!" i said and grabbed the cat. "i'll name her nora." i said.

me and rantaro hung out for a bit after that then he went home and i went to bed with nora laying on the bed with me.

A/N - sorry again if this feels like a filler chapter i just wanted to give them pets but wanted it to make sense and this is the best way i could do it.

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