chapter 3

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rantaro pov

the next day me and kiyo woke up and got ready for school. once we both were ready he said that we could start walking to school. once we got there we walked to class together and waited for the teacher.

~time skip lunch~

at lunch i met up with kiyo then we walked to our table. we sat down and talked to everyone for a while. halfway into lunch i noticed korekiyo looked worried so i asked if he was ok. he said that he was fine and that he wanted to know if he could come to my house later. "yeah of course you can!" i said.

~time skip after school~

at the end of school i waited outside for kiyo. once we met up we walked to my house. once we got there i warned him about my sisters. he said it would be fine so i opened the door and we went in.

once we entered 4 of my sisters came up to us and started asking kiyo questions. "who are you?" on of them said. "i'm rantaro's friend korekiyo." he answered. "why do you wear that mask?" the youngest asked. "yeah why do you wear it it's creepy?" "can you tell us why?" they all kept asking about the mask and i could tell kiyo was getting nervous so i said. "guys please stop asking him about it." "why do we have to stop?" one of them asked. "just stop." i said. i grabbed kiyo's hand a walked him to my room. "i'm so sorry about my sisters." i said. "i-its ok." kiyo said. "no it's not i could tell you were getting uncomfortable." i said and we sat on my bed. "it's fine rantaro." korekiyo said. "ok.." i said. "if you want to know why ill tell you just promise that you won't tell anyone." korekiyo said. "i promise." i said. "it's because of my sister."

after he explained everything to me he started crying. "i'm so so sorry you had to go through that kiyo." i said and hugged him. "it's not your fault and she's gone now i moved out she won't find me." he said and hugged back. "i have a question you don't have to show me but c-can i see you without your mask?" i asked. "mhmm." kiyo said and pulled away. he pulled down his mask to reveal his whole face. 'he looks beautiful.' i think and start blushing. "dont mind the lipstick it's also because of...her." korekiyo told me. "it's ok kiyo." i said. he pulled his mask back up.

~time skip~

"i think i should go it's getting late." kiyo said. "ok be safe." i said and hugged him. "bye see you tomorrow." he said and left.

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