chapter 8

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TW - ED and panic attack (?)

korekiyo pov

"rantaro i'm gay..."  i said my heart pounding. "kiyo i accept you actually i was thinking about telling you soon that i'm also gay" rantaro said and hugged me. i hugged back and started crying. "thank you, you're the first person to accept me." i say. "it's no problem kiyo i will accept you no matter what." rantaro said and let go of the hug now holding my hands. i started to  blush a little so i turned around and took deep breaths. "hey kiyo you ok?" rantaro asked. "yeah that just took a lot of courage to say." i told him. "ok." he said and turned on the tv. "i'm getting tired can i take a nap here?" i asked him. "mhmm" rantaro nodded. "thank you." i say and take off my mask then lay down and fall asleep.

rantaro pov

as i was watching tv i heard quiet snores so i turn around to see kiyo with his mask off sleeping and cuddling with one of my stuffed animals. he looked so beautiful. i brushed a piece of hair out of his face and turn back to the tv. soon after i feel asleep myself.

~time skip~

when i woke up i felt something moving underneath me. it felt nice so i didn't move. a couple minutes later i felt a tap on my shoulder so i looked up to see kiyo under me. "i-i'm sorry." i said and got off him. "it's alright i was just seeing if you were awake or not." korekiyo said. "i'm hungry so i'm going to make food do you want anything?" i asked korekiyo. "no i'm good." he answered. "ok just making sure cause i didn't see you eat yesterday when you were here." i said standing up.

me and kiyo went into my kitchen and korekiyo sat down as i made food. when i was done i sat next to him and asked. "are you sure you don't want anything?" "hmm maybe a couple bites." he answered so i gave him some food. a couple minutes after i finished eating korekiyo said he was gonna go to the bathroom so i told him i would be in my room.

as i was waiting for kiyo one of my sisters came in saying that they heard a weird noise from the bathroom so i followed after them to see what it is. once we got there i heard a gagging noise so i told my sister to leave and knocked on the door. "kiyo? are you ok?" i asked worried. no answer came so i knocked again. "kiyo?" after doing that a couple times i got even more worried so i busted down the door.

when i went inside i saw korekiyo in a ball in the corner with his mask down. "h-hey korekiyo it's ok." i said kneeling in front of him. "shhh it's ok." i tried calming him. one of my sisters came in with a glass of water. "i walked by and saw what was happening so i got this for him." she said. "thank you." i said and took the glass from her. "here kiyo drink some water it's going to be ok." i said giving him the glass. he drank it and calmed down more. "t-thank you." he said and pulled up his mask.

we walked to my room and i shut the door. "if you don't mind me asking what happened?" i asked. "well you know about my sister right?" kiyo said. i nodded. "i still sometimes have problems with her so stuff like that happens." he explained. "oh ok." i said and hugged him.

korekiyo pov

i hugged rantaro back thinking. 'i wish i could tell him i love him... maybe soon i can.' 'maybe shuichi could help me.' we let go of the hug and i went to text shuichi.

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