chapter 4

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korekiyo pov

on my walk home i kept thinking about rantaro. why did i feel so comfortable around him? why did i tell him about my sister? why did i open up to him? i've only known him for 2 days so why do i feel the need to tell him everything? all these thoughts raced through my head. i need to talk to either gundham or shuichi about this maybe they'll know why.

i made it to my house and went to my room i got ready for bed.

~time skip~

i woke up for school and started getting ready. i wrapped new bandages on my hands got dressed brushed my hair and teeth then put on eyeliner and red lipstick and left for school.

on the way to school i saw rantaro. i blushed a little and walked up to him. "hello rantaro how are you today?" i greeted. "hey korekiyo i'm doing good how about you?" he greater back. "i'm good too." i said.

we made it in school and i told rantaro that i would meet him in class. i then left to find gundham. once i did i asked him if he could help with my problem. "i might not be the best person to talk to about this stuff but he detective mortal would be." he told me. "ok thank you." i said and left to find shuichi.

when i did he was talking to kaito so i waited until he was done then asked him about it. "y-yeah i can help you meet me after school." he said. "thank you i'll see you there." i said and went to class.

~time skip after school~

i meet up with shuichi and we walked to his house. it wasn't far from school so it was a short walk. when we got there he brought me to his room and asked me some questions.

"so what is your problem?" he asked. "it's about rantaro." i said. "oh? is it anything bad?" he asked a little worried. "no not at all i'm just confused." i explain. "confused about what?" shuichi asks. "i feel like i can tell him anything and i feel more comfortable around him then anyone else but i'm confused because we've only known eachother for 3 days now." i tell him. "hmmm that is interesting but i think it might mean you like him." shuichi says. "really? but we haven't known eachother long enough." i say surprised. "it doesn't matter how long you've known him. you like him i can tell." shuichi concluded. "o-ok thank you shuichi." i thank him. "it's no problem!" he says and i leave.

on my way home i think about it. me liking rantaro but i've never liked someone before. this is so much to take in. could i really like him or was shuichi just messing with me? but he seemed genuine.

as i kept thinking i got a text from rantaro.

taro :)

hey i didn't see you after school i just wanted to make sure you're ok

i am thank you for checking up on me

rantaro pov

i am thank you for checking up on me

i smiled knowing that he's ok. my sister saw me smiling and asked. "what are you smiling about?" "oh just nothing." i say. "let me see!" she said and grabbed the phone out of my hand. "hey! give it back!" i yelled. "no!" she yelled and stuck out here tongue. she then read the messages. "ooo does rantaro have a boyfriend?!" she says in an annoying voice. "no he's just my friend." i say and take the phone back. "then why were you worried about him and smiling when he texted you?" she asked. "i'm going to my room." i said and left.

once i got in my room i sat on my bed and thought. 'me and kiyo together? i mean i am gay but i don't like him and she was just joking...right?' i shake my head to get rid of the thoughts and go to the kitchen to get food. before going to bed.

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