chapter 5

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korekiyo pov

i woke up and started getting ready for the day. i didn't have school so i didn't need to wear my uniform in stead i wore a dark grey turtle neck and black pants. i also put my hair in a ponytail.

i wasn't planning on doing anything today until i got a call from rantaro. "hey do you want to hang out today?" he asked. "sure it would be a pleasure." i answered. "great! i'll meet you at your house?" "mhmm." "ok! see you there!" after he said that he hung up. after the call i put on makeup then waited for him to come.  

a little while later i heard a knock at my door. when i answered it i saw rantaro. he also wasn't wearing his uniform instead he had on a pair of jeans and a dark blue sweatshirt. "hello rantaro." i said and let him in. "hey kiyo! have you had anything to eat yet?" he asked me. "no i haven't why did you ask?" i told him while sitting on my couch. "well i wanted to know if you wanted to go to the cafe with me." rantaro said while sitting next to me. "that would be nice." i said. "great so do you want to go right now?" rantaro asked. "sure." i answered. then we both got on our shoes and left for the cafe.   

rantaro pov 

i'm so happy he said yes to coming with me! on the way to the cafe i could help but notice how beautiful he looked in the morning sunlight. 'maybe i do like him..' he's wearing a ponytail today which kinda surprised me but it looked nice.  

once we made it to the cafe we both sat down and i asked. "so how has your day been so far?" "it's been nice though i'm kind of tired." korekiyo answered. "yeah i'm kinda tired to." i say and awkwardly laugh.  

pretty soon our waitress comes up to us and asks us what we would like. as we're ordering i see her checking out kiyo and i can see that he's uncomfortable so after she leaves i ask if he's ok. "it's ok i'm fine." he reassured me. "ok just making sure." i say back. the waitress soon comes back and gives us our drinks  on kiyo's drink i see a phone number on it so i quickly tap her on the shoulder and say. "i'm sorry but he's my boyfriend." "oh i'm so sorry i didn't know." she quickly apologized and went to the back. i don't know why but saying he's my boyfriend made me happy.  i turn back to korekiyo and say. "i'm sorry i did that i just didn't want her to bug you cause i know that your uncomfortable and that's the only thing i could think of." "rantaro it's ok i know you were trying to help me." kiyo said.  

the rest of the time we spent talking and learning more about eachother. i learned that kiyo also liked to travel and wanted a black cat. we talked for so long that we didn't even notice an hour went by. "um i'm sorry kiyo but we have to cut this short i have to go home and check on my sisters." i say sadly. "it's alright rantaro i'll see you later." korekiyo said. then i got up and left

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