Chapter 1

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Percy POV

"When I was very young, I was foolish to believe that I could bring and end to all of these conflicts. If only I had posessed the humility to say to myself, I've seen enough for one life, I have done my part. Then again, there is to greater glory than fighting for the ones you love" I stand before the gods hoping they will grant my one wish. Zeus looks at me with curiosity and so does the rest of the Olympians.

"Percy Jackson, what do you wish of us," Zeus said in is deep commanding voice. My father looked worried. I looked terrible my green eyes were rimmed with red and I have no doubt that I looked as pale as a sheet of paper. Hestia looked sad; I think she knows why I am here. Artemis looked at me with genuine curiosity. I took a deep breath.

"Lord Zeus, I wish to die." The room got cold as the gods gasped, my father looked sick and Artemis' eyes widened. Hestia looked even more depressed and Ares looked... sad. Even Zeus looked at me worringly.

"Hero of Olympus, why do you wish to die?" Pain was in my chest Athena seemed to notice my pain and looked regretful.

"I wish to die because the campers have tossed me aside and the daughter of Athena has destroyed me emotionly." I looked at Athena with sad eyes you were right; in the end my fatal flaw would destroy me. I have been treated like trash at camp and a new hero did the twelve laboriers of Hercleus. Annabeth chose archecture over me; it was either stay with me , or go to Grece to remodel the Pantheon and she cast me aside and found the new hero better than anything I ever did for her. I was foolish to believe that a hero gets a happy ending. There is nothing here for me now. The Olyimpans looked downcast. I wonder why it isn't like any of them are fond of me. After looking around the room Zeus had a glint in he eyes.

Perseus you say you wish to die because you have no purpose, I nodded. Well then what if I were to give you a purpose, It seems as if the gods don't agree with my choice of death. Well is guess I couldn't say no. Would you accept immortality like one of Artemis' hunters. I nodded again. Zeus looked at Artemis who had a calm look before and then had a look filled with the slightest amount of anger. Zeus returned to me with a smile. 

Will you accept my offer of becoming a guardian of the hunters of Artemis and her. I slowly looked to Artemis and she hesitently nodded my mouth dropped open and so did the rest of the council execpt for Apollo whom was grinning like a madman, I turned to Hesta and she was smiling. I knew what I had to do.

I Perseus Jackson swear upon the river Styx and the creator Chaosthat I will protect Artemis and her hunters, if need be give my life to keep them safe. All of the gods looked perplexed then my father spoke up and said that I shouldn't have sworn upon Chaos' name... Then a black helix with an eye appeard in the center of the room. It was the symbol of Chaos.

Perseus Jackson, I have watched you for a very long time and you have supprised with you selflesness, courage, and loyalty. but I must know why did you swear upon my name?

Lord Chaos, I honestly don't know it just seemed right.

Very well then you shall become a assassin with upgraded senses.

After Chaos told me this a black light hit me ant my father screamed my name I was wearing a assassin robe with throwing knives attatched to my shoulders hunting knives and a long bow. Jackson I shall give you my blessing in hopes that your life will prosper, goodbye. Then the helix dissapeared.

Hestia cleared her throat, it is my turn to bless you Percy. Do you wish to become my patron, I nodded and Hestia squeeled with excitement. As belssed me my palms lit with greek fire she smiled. 

Also Percy Jackson I give you the abialty to transform into my sacred animal the eagle and give thee permission to fly in my domain. Aphrodite gave me the look that told me that I am completly screwed then a blast of pink hit me... wait a sec am I taller why is Aphrodite blushing and Hera is Artemis angry. Zeus sensed my confusion and snapped his fingers and a mirror appeared. I glared at Aphrodite. 

The next thing I did was the most fun thing I jumped from the top of the Empire State and for all of you adreniline junkies out there I think the brings a new defnition to fun. I willied my body to transform into an eagle. It felt like a stampede of cyclops and then being chrushed by a giant. I felt like I was flying, wait I am. "Hello Percy," Hermes said and then he snapped. I shut out all of the pain out again and this time it smelled like wild and there was no bustling streets, I was in Yellowstone I flew around for a while then perched on a branch next to the hunters camp. Although being the berdie I was I transformed into a human again. 

Watching the hunters was very interesting. I saw Artemis call over the hunters when she returned. "Ok girls, we are getting a guardian" I heard gasps the Artemis started talking again "You all know him, especily you Thalia." 

"M' Lady who is this guardian," I dug a smoke bomb out of my robe and dropped it. I ran around to the back of the hunters and snapped a twig. Some of the older faster hunters already had an arrow notched. I laughed in amuesment. 

"That would be me, Pinecone face" Thalia was the first to recover from the shock, as soon as I dropped my hood I was chrushed in a hug from Thals. 

Artemis POV

As soon as Thalia got off of Percy I told him his chores. "You will Sharpen our arrows an cook us meals" I'm pretty sure I saw him sigh.

Percy POV

I should have known Instead of a guardian I would be a slave.

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I don't own PJO

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