Chapter 7

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Percy POV

I had jumped in Artemis' charriot and she almost died after I scared her figuretivley of course. She flew off I got her permission to leave to camp-half blood. I flew off to camp. I wistled for Blackjack. In a matter of seconds I was already at camp. I didn't realise how fast I was going. Anyways I flew down and landed on the stage in the ampitheater during a camp meeting. 

"And we nee- Percy?" Chiron asked.

"How's it going," I said

"Well we were in a meeting and there was a meeting on Olympus so were having a meeting as well," Chiron responded 

"First off there is not a meeting it is a party," I said

"Oh well what is the party about," Chiron asked  

"I don't have a heart to tell you so I gonna call somebody," I said

"Okay," Chiron responded 

I gave the campers a  second hand motion and called up Zeus. I talked to him for a couple of minutes before he decided to move the party to camp. All of a sudden then entire party was in camp everyone else from the party was flashed in a few seconds later. 

"Alright campers sit," Zeus said. The council's thrones appeared. All of the council sat in their respective thrones. "Percy as many of you know defeated Gaia and Kronos. Over the past day Percy fought Atlas, Kronos, Tartraus, Kiros, Oceaneous, Hyperon, and Typhon single handledy and won," Zeus informed the campers. 

"Good thing Percy is my Boyfriend," Annabeth said

I was rage filled and in a matter of a few seconds I threw four throwing knives at Annabeth pinning her to the wall that the cabin councilers were on. I walked over to her and all of the councilers took a few steps back. I sneered, "Annabeth Chase I am not your boyfriend or your Friend," I said towering over her. I ripped the knives out of the wall and flew away. 

I heard Annabeth say, "Idiot" when I stated to fly away. 


"Hey don't call Annabeth that," A camper said 

"I bet my life I could beat you," He said 

"Okay come fight me," I said

He walked up to me with his sword drawn. "You should draw your weapon," He sneered. 

"Nope I won't need it," I replied

"You are really an idiot," He said 

"If this will make you feel better about yourself," I said I pulled out a throwing knife. 

"Yeah that will totaly beat me," he sneered 

He charged at me I noticed he had left a huge gap in his style. I ducked under his first swing and punched his face. I used my knife and disarmed him then grabbed his sword and sliced his arms then legs. His body was lying lifeless on the ground. "He bet his life, I fufilled his bet," I said to a shocked crowd. "Oh and Annabeth you might need this," I said throwing her the knife pinning her up against the wall again. 

I flew away and wathced Annabeth try to get the bloody knife out out of the wall. I flew away to the dock and made a chair out of water to sit on. 

Artemis POV

Everyone was shocked. After father finished informing the campers of the party they all walked off to party. I started to look for Percy. I was walking around The beach and I found a cave behind some rocks. I saw there was light on the other side so I started to walk. I only had to walk 20 feet before I found the other side. I was amazed I saw a beach house cliffs to jump from. A crystal clear bay that had a small cave entrance. 

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