Chapter 8

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Artemis POV

I watched Percy jump off the cliff with the hunt hot on his tail. They jumped around and played volleyball. They even had swimming area for races. I saw Percy swimming in that area against the other hunters. 

I watched as Percy used his water powers to propel himself through the water to win by a mile. He looked back at me and frowned. Soon his face lit up and he snapped his fingers. At first I was confused by this. Then I felt water behind me lift me into the air. "PERSEUS PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTIANT," I shriked. 

All of the hunters cheered when they saw me in the air. Soon I was above the water in the bay. I saw Percy grin again and he snapped his fingers. I started to fall but soon I was in the water. I came back up and saw Percy with an innocent look. 

I tried to glare at him but just couldn't bring myself to do it. Wait what were these feeling. NO I COULDN'T BE IN LOVE COULD I. I AM A MAIDEN GODDESS BUT NONE OF MY STEROTYPES FOR MEN WORK ON HIM. I realized that I was staring at Percy but he was looking the other way. I started to swim away but couldn't. I looked back at Percy his grin widened. "Oh come on Moonbeam you haven't raced yet," Percy said with a sly look. 

I scoffed but accepted. Myself, Thalia, and Percy lined up at the starting line. Pheobe shot a flare into the air signaling the start of the race Percy lept forward at amazing speeds. I used my godly speeds to propel myself but Percy used his water powers to hold me back. Eveantully He won and Thalia passed me. I was stuck in place. Percy moved me to the end of the race line and let go of his water grip. I didn't realize it at the time but I came crashing into the beach. 

Percy had a worried look on his face but soon water came and cleaned me off and my little cuts and brusies healed as well. I looked at Percy but he smiled an entoxicating smile. "Okay really Moonbeam do you think I would make you suffer from grains of sand," He asked

"Well you know hummph," I replied 

"Alright dinner time everybody," Percy shouted 

I heard a bunch of oos and ahhs when he explained what was for dinner. Everybody rushed to the ice table and sat down. Percy spawned the food and everybody dug in. Pizza and blue cookies. The pizza was amazing but the blue cookies were next level. I saw Percy leaning against a tree. He smiled at me. I blushed a bit. 

OKAY REALLY SHORT CHAPTER. When I made the chapters this one was the shortest. sorry for the little letdown but I realized the extra long chapter is next. 

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