Chapter 4

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Percy POV

I was talking with Ares he told me that I could be a great fighter if I had the right weapons. Aphrodite was sitting next to Ares fixing her makeup. I was begining to get mad Zeus was supposed to be here an hour ago I needed to learn more info on the battle to come. There was still a week before the battle but I couldn't make a plan without the proper information. Hades was telling me how the Nazis during World War 2 used less information than the amount that I required. I replied telling him the lost the war. Hades didn't seem to happy about that. Fiannaly Zeus arrived and gave me some intel that would help me make a plan. 

I spent the next couple of days planning and when I finished I was very proud of my work I would be able to use my golden chestplate and some bombs. I walked over to Artemis' tent to deliver the plans. I knocked on the wood block. "Come in," a fimillar voice said. I walked into the tent and I told Artemis of the plans as well as some extra things we could use. I walked out of her tent and talked to Claypso about where she could be in order to be effective and safe. 

I then went to my tent to sleep but instead sat at my desk in deep thought. Artemis walked into my tent and scared me. "Percy I had to knock five time before I came in," Artemis said.

"Sorry M'lady. I have been thinking about Talia. She is very scared but she doesn't talk much. I am worried she sees me as a big brother as she comes in my tent at night telling me that she has nightmares but I can't think how to fix them," I said. 

"Well Percy what are the nightmares about,?" She asked.

"She says that they're about the mean people who gave her to the monsters," I responded

"Well then Percy you should get her revenge," Artemis said.

"I will wait and see if she has more nightmares tonight," I replied. 

Artemis POV

I was almost never alone with Percy in his tent and from what I know he is always happy in his tent today was the first time he wasn't. I was upset, Percy was almost always happy but her was mad. I left his tent to go to mine. I waited around for hours then I heard rustling and saw Talia walk out of her tent to Percy's. I too walked over to Percy's tent. He was hugging Talia and he looked up at me then asked Talia who gave her to the monsters. She said that her cousins did it because she was a girl. After her story Percy was shaking in rage. He snapped his fingers and he was in his assassin robe then dug out a compass then flashed away. I invited Talia to my tent. We I told her stories of the hunters from long ago. Percy returned 2 hours later and nocked on my door. The noise startled me but I told him to come in. He was covered in blood. Talia asked him who's blood he had splattered all over himself.  He snapped himself into normal clothes and told Talia the story of her cousins death. He put his head down in shame at the end of his story. Much to Percy's delight Talia jumped on him and hugged him so tight it looked like he was about to pass out. The next couple of days went by in a flash we arrived on the day of the battle. the battle was at camp. 

As I prepared I was given a gift by Percy he told me if and only when he dies I am aloud to open it. That was a bad sign but nevertheless we walked out to the battle felid. Percy reviewed the plan to the hunters. He also told them the same thing he did last battle. When the horn sounded for the battle Percy rushed out to the battle and started to kill the monsters. I was with Thalia and Tay (that is Talia I just needed a nickname for her). We killed many monsters but we were about to be crushed by a giant's axe when Percy dove in out of no where. "PERCY!!!! NO," I screamed. He grabbed a knife from his belt then threw it at the giant's inseam killing it instantly. Percy got up unscathed then gave me the tell you later look. We eventuly killed all of the monsters but Percy was no where to be found. I wondered where he was, until I saw him. He was helping the injured people off the battle felid. I guess that makes sense because his fatal flaw is loyalty. Percy kept his promise and never once stepped off the battle felid, Until all of the injured people were off the battle felid. He found me from asking some people around. Wen he got over to me he took off his assassin robe revealing his golden chestplate. Taking off his chestplate then putting his robe back on inspecting the chestplate. 

"Well, well, well. Percy you were sure brave today. And you kept your promise." I said 

"It is my duty to protect my mistress. Is it not?" he asked. 

"Yes and no," I replied. 

"How so?" Percy asked.

"You wouldn't be protecting me if you were dead," I replied

"But I still would be protecting protecting you." He stated

"Fair enough," I said. "Hunters we need to get back to camp," I announced. We all piled onto my charriot it was night so finding the camp would be harder but I still can manage. When I drive my charriot I feel free like the moon. It took long for people to plant their flag on the moon. Nevertheless I still feel free. We were flying for just an hour and the Hunters and their guardian looked exausted. Then something unexpected happed Percy looked over at me and smiled. I could feel blush rising on my face so I just looked forward and concentrated on flying. After a couple more hours we arrived in the Applacians to setup camp. When we landed we almost all jumped out and grabbed our bags. We poped up our tents while we were making a fire. Percy came out with a book of symbols. He was self teaching symbols of the Greeks and Romans. I chose to sit down next to him and asked what he was reading about. He was telling me he was going through his favorite memories. At the time I didn't understand but he showed me that the book was a magic item. He was telling me of his favorite memories and explained all of them. At the end of his story we had a small crowd of hunters getting told about his quests and memories. At the end all of the Hunters said, "wow big brother." This supprised Percy and he looked to Pheobe for conformation. She nodded. I never thought I would say this but I was happy for a man. 

Percy POV

All of the hunt just said that I was their big brother. I was astounded as some of them tried to kill me before and now are accepting of a man. And this man was ME! I was speechless and happy at the same time. Artemis congraglated me as I walked off to my tent. I hopped in be and fell right asleep. In my dream Chaos told me that I would have to save the one I love whomever that may be in 2 months. I awoke the next morning to go outside and look back on my memories. My favorites were at the front of the book. They included... Being claimed, holding the sky while Artemis fought Atlas, giving Pandoras Jar to Hestia, beating Ares, etc. etc. I didn't relise Artemis was looking at my memories. I unxepectdly drew a hunting knife before realising who it was. She asked if she could look at my memories too. I was supprised at this but I allowed her. She didn't see my favorite memories yesterday so I told her of them. 


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