Chapter 2

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Percy POV

As all of the hunters sort of recovered from their shock they gave me dirty looks. I sighed. I looked at the buckets of arrows that I had to sharpen and thought about what I wanted to happen then snapped. Then the buckets dissapeared. I jumped atop a tree then started to run across the tree branches. I was at least a mile away before I stopped to make camp. I was atop a hill and suddenly Artemis apperaed and I uncapped riptide because she startled me. "Woah Percy"

"Oh sorry lady Artemis"

"Percy why are you camped so far away"

"Bad blood between the hunters and I"

"Although I am not satisfied with your reasons I will talk later." With that Artemis vanished. I set up camp and found a grind stone to sharpen the arrows with. I sharpend one thousand arrows in one hour this must be Chaos. I was satisfied with my work then started a fire to cook the soup I was going to make for dinner. I was walking around till I found some of the things I needed carrots, herbs, chicken etc. I walked back to my camp and started making the soup. I somehow eneded up with a huge pot to cook the food in and a smaller pot to put my portion in. I tested the soup just in case and it was perfect. I again thought about what I wanted to happen then snapped. I climbed atop the treetops and started running to the camp. I hid in the trees the snapped the buckets of arrows appeared and Artemis started looking around tell she laid eyes on me she just narrowed them and got back to what she was doing. I was kind of upset so I snapped again making the soup appear and all of the hunters came out.

Artemis POV

Percy came back and I just returned to my stuff then soup came out of no where and the hunters came out. Thalia asked me what was wrong and I said, "nothing, unless you NOT feeling Percy's presence is wrong." I looked back to where he was and my eyes widened in alarm Percy was gone. I heard a noise behind me and notched an arrow, Percy was there I lowered my bow he was sharpening a throwing knife.

"Wow you all have the best senses ever," he said sarcasticaly.

"Yes ha ha very funny" I replied. "Percy we are leaving to go to camp half blood tommorw" He shrugged.

"Well I have to face them at one point." The hunters looked around then at me quizzacily. I told Percy to stay to eat. He recluntcaly agreed and sat down. "Percy are you fine if I tell the hunters why you are here."

"I guess so"

"Girls Percy is our guardian because his heart was broken by that Athena girl our archetiect." I looked at Percy his eyes were sad and filled with pain as opposed to previously filled with joy and happiness. Percy ate his soup then mumbled a message to Hermes then he was gone. 

Percy POV

I reappeared at my tent and slept the best sleep I had in a while. I was given a message by Chaos. I was all packed up that day and ran through the forest to the camp and hid in a tree. Artemis told us that we would have to walk out of Yellowstone to get to her charriot. It was a long walk but it was worth it. It was nightfall by the time we left Yellowstone. We all piled on the charriot to go to NY I got front seat. 

The ride was very... well windy. I guess I didn't fly much. I looked over to my right and then to my left then started to drift off in sleep. We arrived at camp in the morning and I was given a gift by Chaos, a longbow. Later all of my friends saw me and hugged me they were so tight that I had to do a soft karate move to get them off me. I later saw Annabeth and was talking to the hunters. 

"Percy," she said. I whipped around and threw a throwing knife at her and just nicked her ear and a small stream of blood trickled down it. She screamed, "what was that for" she wanted to know so did the rest of the campers. At this point the entire hunt had an arrow notched and aimed at Annabeth. Thalia walked over to her then slapped her so hard she was nocked out. 

Later that day I saw Annabeth or rather she saw me and she came to talk to me. I told her I was sorry for throwing a knife at her ear. "It's okay Percy"

"Annabeth I'm sorry but I can't let you in again," I said. 

Chiron came by and told me of the capture the flag game tommorw. I went strait to the Ares cabin to have a talk with the fighters there. We planned to use the creek to our advantage as I could create a underpull to make the hunters slow down. I would be with the Stoll brothers and since I was the only one who could fight Artemis I would lead the team. The Hepestaus campers would go make greek fire traps around our flag. I went to my cabin with the fresh smell of the sea I ploped myself down on my bunk and fell asleep. Chaos was in my dream I was preparing to fight I was given some more weapons. When I awoke I looked at my watch and I was 5:30 AM I went strait to the forges to sharpen my knives and my new tomahawk. I came to my senses at 7:30 and ran over to the creak to make an underpull. I went to eat breakfast at 8:30 however Artemis was suspicious of me. 

"I will serve as battlefield medic and referee, please no maiming and all magic items are allowed." Chiron said. I was given a oh yeah I am going to destroy you look from Artemis. We all ran to our positions I was ready with the Stoll brothers as soon as the horn sounded we were off. We heard charges to the left of us and nothing to our right. We dove behind a boulder in the forest as we saw the flag. Connor went up to the flag to grab it he was nocked out by a fart arrow and Artemis dropped out of a tree to attack and I dove in front of her as we exchanged hits. I got a good hit on her shoulder and she got me back on my arm I did a move disarming her to grab her sword but she kicked me pinned down I was without a weapon I used my armor to shatter her sword. I was still weaponless.

Artemis POV

Percy and I exchanged hits though my shoulder hurt I was suprised by a smoke bomb from Percy as I was momentirally blinded. When I came back to my senses I realized the campers had won Ughh!!! there goes the hunters winning streak. After the game Percy found me and asked me to follow him. I hesitantly followed him to a river he was ankle deep and all of his wounds healed in a matter of seconds. He motined for me to come over to him, he grabbed my wrist I pulled back he said, "don't worry it isn't like that" he grabbed my wrist one more time and all of my wounds healed in a matter of seconds too. He smiled that beautiful smile and said he willed the currents to heal my wounds. He walked off to Chiron to play cards. 

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