Chapter 9

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Percy POV

I leaned against the tree and smiled at Artemis. She blushed a bit. I honestly had no idea why. I started to walk. I didn't know where I was going to walk. I just let my feet take me, my mind wander.


I hugged my dad. He had just shown me the beach house. I didn't know what was in my room. Dad flashed out and I was left to explore. I walked inside and found a note taped to my door.

Dear Percy,

You have to imagine the appearance of your room and it will show up. Also you can add more rooms to the hallway just think and focus



I never knew. That the gods could care for their kids. Something Athena told me was that dad had three emotions. Pure happiness. Neutral. Pure rage. Dad wasn't like uncle. Supreme lord of the skies, none other than Papa Zeusy. Zeus never gave gifts to his children, however dad never had a hunger for power so he could give gifts to his children without worrying about his position as king of the seas being lost. I also heard that Amphitrite tried to kill dad and thus, was imprisoned.

After the second titan war Athena spent a lot of time under the seas at my dad's palace. They seemed really close after the war and especially after dad Amphitrite divorced when she was imprisoned.

I never really knew what happened in between them. It all was a mystery to me.

I was woken out of my trance by a waved hand and a pair of worried silver eyes. I looked up again and Artemis asked, "Are you okay Percy?"

"Yep," I replied casually popping the P

"Oh," She said

"We should probably get back to the hunt. It's getting late and dark," I thought outloud


ON the way back to the house we decided that we would stay at camp for the next few days then go back out on a mission that Zeus gave us. Zeus never really had good missions for us so I am kind of scared. Although I never really understand the idea behind the missions they do seem like Zeus is trying to get us killed (A/N So you probably can see where I'm going with this. Zeus trying to get Percy Killed. Oh the paranoia. I can't wait till the SECOND CHANCE part kicks in.

We walked back and bid each other goodnight when we arrived at our respective rooms. I layed down on my bed and let my eyes drift into their closed state. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't fall asleep. It's like there was a force keeping me awake. I just couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard I tried to fall asleep I just couldn't.

I then gave up trying to sleep and sat up. I pulled the sheet off from the top of me and walked over to my dresser. I opened the top drawer and pulled out some pants. The second with an undershirt. The third with my cloaks. The fourth with some socks and on the bottom shelf my boots. I dressed and walked over to my weapon case. I grabbed my throwing knives and sword. I walked over to the next weapon case and grabbed my bow and quiver.

Slinging the bow around my shoulder over top of my quiver I grabbed a map of the area inside the magical barrier.

I opened my door and walked out. I proceeded to walk down stairs and out the front door. I took in a fresh breath of the beach's salty early morning crisp air and started to follow a footpath. Back and forth over and over up and up. Once I reached the end of the footpath there stood waiting for me was a perfect overlook of the beach.

I never really tried to meditate before but I'm always up for something new. Artemis taught me how to shoot a bow in a dream. Thus, I could meditate, right?

Precisely. Meditation was a completely new experience for me. I felt all of the elements around me and the peace that flowed through me was amazing. Many told me that I never had moments of such peace in my life. Never in a million years would I think that I could find such peace as the ones alike that of what I was told I could not find, but that beyond the horizons of the horizons. I felt as if nothing could break, all was peaceful and it felt as if no wars ever happened. It felt amazing. Beyond that of the most amazing amazingness ever felt by all.

I stood up and made a mental note to myself to start meditating every day. I loved the feeling.

I decided to walk some more footpaths. I decided that I never really needed sleep. I felt the best I have ever felt in my life. I would meditate and help the hunters and Artemis in meditation. I had this feeling in my heart however, I couldn find it, I just knew it was there.

Artemis POV

I woke up and knocked on Precy's door. I got no response, so I walked inside. Percy was nowhere to be found. I started to panic. Percy shouldn't be missing; his house is so heavily enchanted only the creator can come in without permission from Percy. I started to relax when I realized that Percy wasn't stolen but just left. I mmed him and I felt the sensation of being flashed. However I wasn't being flashed. My body seemed to turn into a mist and re solidified.

I looked around spinning myself in a full circle before I saw Percy. He was standing in front of me in his full assassin garb.

¨Percy?" I asked

He mentally responded, yep.

I replied mentally, Where were you?'
¨Meditating,¨ he replied casually out loud this time

¨oh,"I said dumbly


And that's a wrap. You might be able to see where I'm going with this. Off with the pertemis. 

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