Chapter 3

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Artemis POV

I was over at the dock on the lake and I sensed something behind me so I whipped around to see Percy standing there. "Percy what are you doing," I asked.

"Well I just wanted to aplogize for what happened at the creek." Percy said

"It's fine Percy. Now I owe you," I replied. With that, Percy left the dock. I went to the big house to go to my room and I found Percy in the dining room playing some card game with Chiron and Dionysis. He invited me over to sit next to him and play. I decided to watch because I really didn't understand the game.

We all had fun laughing and telling jokes on the last night that we were at camp. We turned the TV on a watched a really funny movie. At about 10:00 PM Percy walked off to bed and a half an hour later I followed suit. I was walking past Percy's bedroom when I saw him up at a desk. I walked over to him and he said, "what pleasure do I owe you Lady Artemis." I was in awe I thought that all men were pigs put Percy was so polite. H turned around and invited me to sit down on the other chair in the room. He told me stories of his quests and I was supprised when he talked about Annabeth. At the end of his stories he had tears in his eyes. He told me that he missed all of the people he lost on his quests. He talked fondly of Claypso. "Lady Artemis did Zeus ever release Claypso?," he asked 

"No," I replied. His face turned red and he mumbled a message to Hermes then he was gone.

Percy POV

I was mad Zeus hadn't released Claypso after all of these years. I had a magic compass that Zeus gave me and I could use it to teleport anyone anywhere from anywhere. I told Hermes to teleport me to Ogygia it was night so I assumed Claypso was asleep so I walked around the Island for a couple of hours and sat myself on top of Claypso's cave. She didn't notice me and se walked over to her garden and started to water her plants. I walked up behind her and said, "Wow! Even though I planted a garden in New Your I don't think that mine would ever look as nice as Claypso's." 

"WHAT!!" she shriked. "Who is that." I sighed. 

"You don't rember me Claypso," I said.

"Wait you aren't Percy are you,?" She said. "I'm sorry I can't let you in again"

"That is not why I am here." I flashed her to camp half blood. In front of Artemis. "Well it looks like Zeus won't have to release Claypso" I told Artemis. I mumbled Zeus a message and he flashed in out of no where. "So," I said tapping my foot on the ground" 

"Well, you know. I you know" Zeus said. Rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Claypso, would you like to join my hunters," Artemis said. Claypso was in awe. After about ten seconds she said... "YES." Well then lets get you outfitted with some stuff. Artemis walked down to the hunters cabin to talk with the hunters about Claypso joining the hunt. I talked to Zeus and he said he just forgot. I was not satisfied with his reasons but just left. I used my compass to go to the doors of Hepestus' palace. I knocked on the doors of the palace. I walked in and asked him for an automaton that looked like me and asked him for a golden chest plate such as the ones that the gods used when in battle. After I received the thing from Hephestus I flashed back to camp. The hunters were getting ready to leave.

Claypso POV

I was so excited to be in the hunters Thalia showed me the basics then gave me some things for my bag. Percy walked up next to me and explained some thing about the hunt and told me some about Artemis. I was going to be their medic I was really hyped I got a mansion tent but I never really been anywhere outside of Ogygia for like 3000 years so I was really happy to be off of the island. When I was night Artemis told Percy to camp closer to the hunters in the circle. He agreed and I sat down next to him and he told me of my half sister Zoe Nightshade and her death I could see it brought tears to his eyes. 

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