Chapter 6

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Artemis POV

I told the hunt and Percy that I had to go to a council meeting. Father was going on and on about how there were primordals rising and other things. There were many many things I wasn't all that worried because Percy had defeated Gaia without breaking a sweat. I flashed back to the hunters camp and saw that Percy wasn't there. I asked around for a couple of mins. "Percy," I called out softly. I walked around for an hour until I herd some yells. I spawned a bow and hopped into the clearing. What I saw horrified me. Percy was in a battle with Kirios and Oceanous. 

"Artemis Flee go get the other Olympians," he yelled. I nodded my head and flashed to Olympus. 

I grabbed my bow then shot an arrow into the sky it then proceded to explode. "Artemis what is the purpose of this emergency meeting," Zeus asked.

"Percy is being atacked by Kiros and Oceanous," I replied in a worried tone. All of the Olympians nodded then flashed out. When we flashed back in Atlas and Kronos had arrived. I was silently in tears. Percy yelled then plunged his sword into kiros then grabbed riptied out of his pocket to help defend when he attacked Kronos and Atlas. Percy stabbed and slashed at the titans. Kronos tried to land a fatal blow on Percy but he side stepped. Atlas and Oceanous jumped at Percy and he stabbed at Atlas with riptide. He disolved. Kronos then slashed at Percy but Percy jumped out of the way and Kronos' slcythe hit Oceanous disolving him. Kronos had a horrified look on his face when percy jumped at him. Tartraus then appeard and stabbed at Percy. Percy then found a flaw in his moves then stabbed with his stygian iron sword disolving tartraus. Kronos stood his ground but percy found a gap and jumped at Kronos. Kronos dissloved from his stygian Iron soward. 

I was walking over to Percy. "Artemis watch out!!" Percy yelled as he jumped in front of me with his wings. There was typhon in the middle of nowhere typhon. He flew up and started to hack and stab after three hours typhon was fiannly down  I had stabbed it a couple of times but did no real damage. Percy plunged his sword into the giants eyes ripping it's soul from it's body. 

All of the Olympians were staring in shock. He did the noise thing. WOOOOO HOOOO they all cheered in a almost mortal way. All of the hunters had found where the battle was. Hermes flashed us all to Olympus. The throne room was turned into a party room but I didn't see Percy. I assumed he was partying away but I couldn't stand the party so I left. I walked the streets of Olympus and down Main and up Charelston. I walked around till I got to the railing of Olympus I walked around the edge till heard sobs. I then quickened my pace till I found Percy. "Oh my gods Percy what happened," I asked with worry evident in my voice.

"My best friend was killed," He replied with saddness in his voice.

"Who," I asked, "please Percy who was Killed." 

"Grover Underwood," he said. 

I instantly knew who he was. The saytar who saved him. I looked back to where Percy was sitting but he wasn't there. I looked around frantically until I saw him flying to long island. I then jumped on my charriot and followed him. He flew to the house of Rachel Dare the oralcle. 

I watched from my charriot as Rachel greeted him in a hug after she heard what happened. Percy then grabbed a art easle and a canvas to paint on. They had lunch whilst painting. Rachel then shook hands with Percy who left the house. I decided to follow Percy to wherever he would be going. I looked around for him but couldn't seem to find him. I then looked over to the passanger seat of my charriot. 

"Oh my gods PERCY!!!" I yelled when I realized he was in my charriot. He was looking around.

"Yes Milady," he said formally.

"You shocked me thats all," I replied.

"Aren't you going to go back to the hunt," He asked.

"Wel-" I started to say.

"Oh and this is for you," He said. My heart flutered at the sight of the painting. It was the hunt on the ground and Percy flying around in the air. 

"Thank you," I replied in a soft tone. WAIT APHRODITE I CAN'T BE FALLING FOR ANOTHER SON OF THE SEA!!!!! I screemed into my mind. 

Short Chapter I just wanted to get the Pertemis layed out.

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