Chapter 10

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A/N; okay so I was kind of putting this chapter off for a while. I've been making the plots for my future books and it's not exactly easy. I also have been rereading PJO/HOO and just finished the other day. So after procrastinating, reading, and making plots I'm here at last with the chapter, so without further adou lets get into the chapter;

 Artemis POV

"Oh," I said dumbly 

He laughed a little and looked out over the beach. "You know m' lady I have this feeling in my heart I just can't place it," he said changing the topic 

I nodded knowing I felt a similar feeling. He started down the footpath and I tagged along. After a few minutes of walking Percy stopped. He looked around in a full circle and then looked up. I followed his gaze and what I saw shocked me. It was a huge flame in the sky. The flame touched down and sloidfied. 

There standing was Hestia. My aunt. "Auntie Hestia," Percy said respectfully, sort of.

"Ah nephew," she walked over to him and enveloped him in an soft embrace for a few moments. After she let go and walked over to me and hugged me too for a brief moment. Once she let go she summoned some chairs for us. We all sat down and Hestia started to explain what was happening with Zeus. She explained how she thought he was trying to kill anyone who threatened his rule. 

We decided that Zeus should be faded or punished severly. Percy just turned into a sea breeze that was wisked away by the wind. 

Percy POV

After Aunt showed up I decided to go a fade Zeus. After the medium sized conversation I flashed away. 

Once I showed up on Olympus I walked over to the throne room and kicked the doors off of their hinges. Not really but whatever. I walked in to Zeus sitting on his throne lazily drinking nectar. 

"ZEUS," I shouted across the room. He growled flashed down in front of me and summoned his masterbolt. 

"Insolent Demi scum," he barked out.

I shook my head and uncapped Riptide. We circled around each other for a couple of minutes before anyone blinked. As we stared intently at each other I saw some weakness flash into his eyes. I decided to put riptide in a stragetic position to deflect a counter attack as well as have a weak spot zeroed in when attacking. 

Zeus obviously got tired of wating for a fight, and thus jumped at me. I knew this move all to well however and just deflected with sparks coming when our weapons clashed. I aimed for Zeus' knee and jumped forth. Except Zeus accauly thought I would attack his knee. I was able to disarm him and kicked the masterbolt across the room. 

He jumped at me with his hands. I didn't really know what he was doing so I played along with it. I Jumped at him effectivley pinning him to the ground. I willed some water in the room to bring the masterbolt to me. When it arrived I took riptide and sliced it in half. 

Zeus exploded into a black dust. I started to feel dizzy and fell down. The last thing I remember seeing was a pair of concerned silver eyes a a mop of auburn hair. Before I blacked out. 

Artemis POV

Once Percy flashed away I immeditely started to worry. aunt and I flashed to the throne room and saw Percy slicing Zeus' masterbolt in half. I looked over the scene and Percy started to walkaround dizily before he fell down. I ran over to him and saw he was still breathing I almost wept in relief. However I called Apollo and Aunt called a council meeting. Once every member was present they all looked over the scene too. Some gasped when they saw Percy had faded Zeus, others sighed gratefully. 

Apollo walked over and talked to me about Percy's status. He informed me that he would need to rest for a while. I flashed myself and Percy to Apollo's  clinic in the VIP room, or so called VIP room. Apollo moved Percy to the bed and took out a vial of crushed ambrosia and a cup of nectar. 

My brother mixed the two and rubbed them on Percy's skin abrasions. All of which healed in a few moments. He also spoon fed unconcious Percy nectar. 

Time Skip about a week.

Artemis POV

I waited by Percy's side the entire week. Apollo brought the hunters to Olympus and they were currently staying in my Palace. I was about to leave so I walked over to Percy's bed to kiss his forehead. The one detail I didn't notice was that Percy awoke when my lips were about to connect with forehead. He must've involintary turned his head when he woke up, and thus our lips connected. 

Even more suprisingly I didn't pull back. I held the same postion for a few seconds before I pulled back, blushing furiously. Percy laughed at my dreamy expression before realizing he too was blushing furiously. It was at that moment that I realized the feeling in my heart was love. Love for Percy. 

Apollo walked through the door and laughed slightly. "Alright love-birds the rest of the council requires your presence," Apollo said with a glint of amuesment flashing in his eyes. Percy went all (SEA GREEN LIGHT: BOOOOOM NEW CLOTHES) and flashed away. My lips curved upward in amuesment. 

I too flashed to the throne room where the rest of the council was waiting. They decided to make Percy the new king, however he needed a queen. I felt a presence enter my mind and I heard the words step foward

Shook my head slightly and stepped foward a few steps. Percy wrapped me in a tight embrace and in my ear whispered the words, "Will you be my queen" 

I gasped and tears welled up in my eyes. I nodded, and this is the part where he kissed me again. 

A/N and that was the final chapter. I hope you like it and I might do a sequel in 2022 because that is when I have an open schedule again. 


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