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"haha! got you, momma!" shay laughed loudly as he shot his water gun at me.

my eyes widened. "nah, you're getting it now!"

i quickly took off my jordans and my socks, and set them to the side. i then chased after him, which made him giggle loudly.

"careful running around the pool!" billie shouted after us.

"careful around pool!" jordyn repeated with a large smile on her face.

"yeah, careful around the pool, momma!" shay teased as he stuck his tongue out at me.

"you are so bad." i chuckled as i reached him. i picked him up and tossed him into the pool. he resurfaced a few seconds later, laughing his ass off.

"you scare me sometimes," billie shook her head as she finished feeding jordyn. "you act just like a kid still."

"so do you." i laughed.

i walked over to her and jordyn. i picked jordyn up. "wanna go put your floaties on so that you can swim?!"

"mhm! mhm! mhm!" she nodded enthusiastically.

i brought her over to where we kept her pool floaties. i helped her put them on before bringing her over to the pool.

i took my shirt off, leaving me in a sports bra and the shorts i was wearing. i got into the pool with her, smiling at how she started splashing around.

"look at you go, lovebug!" i grinned. she smiled in response.

"momma! mommy! watch this!" shay shouted.

we both turned to look at him on the diving board. he ran and jumped off, doing a cannonball. we grinned and told him how cool it was once he resurfaced.

shay is five years old, turning six in two months. jordyn is a little over two years old.

at first, we had trouble picking out names for the two. billie had suggested that if we did happen to have a girl and boy, then we should name them jim and pam, like from the office. then she decided that those names were too basic.

she also said that wanted them to have one of her middle names.

so, there's shay pirate reid and jordyn eilish reid.

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