A new reader dare and ask

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Me:hello everyone today i got one dare and two asks.

Everyone:they from V4 aren't they.

Me:nope from someone new from Let-reality-break ask who do i think is the most weird one here will I'm going to say rio because his reason to have revenge is dumb all just because your sister was better I'm sorry.

Rio:ok yeah looking back on that my reason was dumb.

Ciel:rio you should have told me about how your feeling and not to hide them.

Rio:right next time i'll tell you my feelings ok Ciel.

Haruka:such a nice brother and sister moment so touching.

Towa:it is indeed.

Me:ask number 2 is what would i change about the past making sure i don't put them in herms way.

Ichika:aww that sweet*kiss carlos*.

Love:true I'm still wandering who push us.

Blade:who knows maybe it was one of your villains.

Setsuna:no that can't be some of them are reform or are dead.

Blade:I'm just saying.

Me:weird will let move on dare number 1 and only one is everyone to pick 5 villains to wear butler outfits.

Emily:really ok then.

Chloe:emily we want to say were sorry

*emily pretend not to hear them*.


April:let leave her alone we hurt her feelings so it make sense she don't want to talk to us.

Kelsey:we should have listen to her .

Me:see i told you could lose a great friend.

Smile precure:we chose ulric

*Ulric appears*

Ulric:why I'm here for.

Me:the smile precure want to put you in a butler outfit*whisper to ulric*beside you could have a chance to be with emily.

Ulric:*blushing*oh all right then.

Me:ok then go change ulric*hand ulric the outfit*.

Kira kira precure:we chose rio.

Rio:ok then it better then something bad.

Me:here you go then rio bye now princess precure your chose.

Princess precure:we chose shut.

Me:shut it is then*teleport shut*

Shut:what where I'm at tell me now.

Me:long story short dare precure want you to wear a butler outfit so here you go*hands shut outfit*

Shut:fine just so i can get home fast and be done with it.

Me:fresh precure your chose.

Fresh precure:we chose westar

Me:ok westar it is then.

Westar:why im i here*see Setsuna start blushing*oh uh hi setsuna it nice to see you.

Setsuna:same here Westar the reason your here is to wear a butler outfit ok*hands westar butler outfit*.

Westar:oh ok then bye.

Me:will that four the last one will be rascal from the smile precure.

Rascal:yes I'm here to wear a butler outfit ta ta.

Me:ok then emily you may want to look a ulric for a bit.

Emily:ok why though.

Me:you will see.

All five came out emily is blushing at ulric and chloe at rascal and Setsuna at westar.

Me:will the dare is done i'll sent you all back in normal clothes expect ulric cause here is staying here for the the rest of the time.

*teleport all them back except ulric*
Me:ok welcome to the cast Ulric.

Ulric:ok ok let move on.

Emily:ulric thank you for listening when i need it and i love you.

Ulric:i love you too.

Blade:ok a new couple many ships are sailing carlos.

Me:i know now to add a dare of my own we are going to watch the happiness charge precure intro.

Haruka:ok let watch the intro and have fun unless we are on the verge of death.

Me:true true now let start and they will join us

Me:so how was it everyone.

All pink cure:we love i was good cure lovely name after love it so sweet.

Smile precure ex emily:it good we like it four cures like the two other groups.

Princess precure ex haruka:it was nice their power and outfits come from cards .

Fresh precure ex love:they look like they get along and have nice teamwork.

Rio:it was nice and it fulls me with happiness.

Bibury:it was ok for a precure intro.

Kanata:it was nice and we could get along with them.

Ulric:it was nice not too mush for them.

Me:ok it time to put the chapter to a close say bye Everyone.

Everyone:bye have a good day/night.

Wow Emily now being cold to her friends and together with ulric a ship is here and the happiness charge precure will join next time have a good day/night wear a mask and stay safe ✌

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