Precure's meet happiness charge precure and fairies

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Me:hello everyone today is we meet the happiness charge precure and today i Will add your fairies.

Emily:really that cool and it will nice to see candy after being here for a while.

Lily:and we get to see the other precure fairies.

April:that is true i wander what could that look and sound.

Ichika:we can see pekorin yay.

Himari:yay i thought we don't get to see pekorin.

Aoi:yes I'm glad pekorin must had to panic when we disappear.

Yukari:yep pekorin i miss petting her.

Akira:that is true and i miss her.

Haruka:yes we can see aroma and pafu after we saved hope kingdom they went back.

Minami:yes it been a while the last time we saw them and it will be nice to see them once again.

Kirara:oh i remember when aroma took his butler test and forgot to take amount of haruka feelings.

Towa:aroma is doing much better now.

Love:we get to see tarte and chiffon too .

Miki:when i was taking care of chiffon i was trying too hard.

Buki:yes we could tell by the way chiffon was scared back then.

Setsuna:wait what happen back then when miki take care of chiffon.

Miki:let just say it's a long story.

Me:now everyone let being the happiness charge precure and your fairies here*teleport precure and fairies*.

Megami:where are we.

Iona:i don't know are we trap in a dream.

Hime:oh no not again.

Yuuko:um who are they.

Ribbon:hi candy.

Clasan:hi candy.

Candy:hi ribbon and clasan.

Pekorin:ichkia himari everyone where are we.

Tarte:peach where are we.

Chiffon:cure cure love miki.

Miki:hi chiffon*pick chiffon up*.

Aroma:haruka Minami kirara towa.

Pafu:it great to see you again*jump towards towa*

Towa*catches pafu*yes it is nice to see you.

Me:hello happiness charge precure and fairies my name is carlos and your here to play truth or dare and no I'm not a villain so introduce yourself.

Megami:hi it's nice to meet you all my cure name is cure lovely.

Hime:hello nice to meet you my cure name is cure princess.

Yuuko:hello nice to meet you my cure name is cure honey.

Iona:hello nice to meet you my cure name is cure fortune.

Candy:hello my name is candy and I'm the smile precure fairy.

Pekorin:hi nice to meet you my name is pekorin and I'm the kira kira precure fairy.

Aroma:hello my name is aroma and this is pafu.

Pafu:hello pafu.

Tarte:hello everyone my name is tarte and this is chiffon say hi chiffon.

Chiffon:cure cure hi.

Everyone:aww she is so cute.

Love:she is but she has powers.

Ribbon:hi my name is ribbon and this clasan we are the happiness charge precure fairies.

Ichika/emily/haruka/love:hi nice to meet you our cure name are whip/happy/flora/peach.

Himari/Kelsey/Minami/Miki:hi nice to meet you our cure name are cure custard/sunny/mermaid/berry.

Aoi/lily/kirara/buki:hello nice to meet you our cure names are cure gelato/peace/twinkle/pine.

Yukari/april/Towa/Setsuna:hi nice to meet you our cure name is cure macaroon/march/scarlet/passion.

Akira/chloe:hi nice to meet you our cure name are cure chocolat/beauty.

Ciel:hi nice to meet you my cure name is cure parfait.

Rio:my name is rio.

Bibury:my name is Bibury but we are not friends.

Kanata:my name is kanata.

Ulric:my name is Ulric.

Me:nice to see your introduced now and don't worry this place has it that chiffon can't use her power here now these four dares or truths are for the happiness charge precure dare number 1 goes to megami her dare is to play siren head.

Megami:oh that what everyone is talking about right.

Me:yep now have fun.

Megami:ok all i have to do is try and find a lost family in the woods ok not too hard ok there blood on the ground is that a siren oh my and I'm running ahh help me i got to the car now to drive away .

Me:ok truth goes to hime did you ever had feelings for blue.

Hime:no not really i just saw him a friend nothing more.

Me:ok then dare number 2 goes to yuuko her dare is to burn all of your honey candy.

Yuuko:what but worked hard to make these ok if i must*burned honey candy*goodbye my candy i will miss you.

Me:truth number 2 goes to Iona did you really hated hime.

Iona:a part of me wanted to work with her to defeat queen mirage but sadly i let hatred take control of me so no i did not.

Me:ok time to put this chapter to a close say bye everyone.

Everyone:bye have a good day/night.

Wow now i have the mascots here too and will be doing dares as will so have a good day/night stay safe wear a mask bye.

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