some what safes dares and questions

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Me:hello we have more dares and some questions from V4 today.

Everyone ex healin good and tropical:ugh not again why.

Me:yeah well we have some safe ones first questions nodoka do you know your the only cure to have more then one super form.

Nodoka:no i did not know that though it was nice to meet the yes 5 precure.

Me:ok number 2 goes the fire users can you tough lava.

Kelsey:no we can't tough lava.

Towa:it stills hurt us.

Me:thank you for answering now for the dares dare number 1 goes to himari to kiss aoi cheeks*I'm talking about her face people get your mind out of the gutters*.

Himari:ok then*kiss aoi cheek*there we go.

Aoi:umm thank you Himari and i have something to ask you.

Himari:oh really then ask away.

Aoi:ok himari i love you and will you go out with me.

Himari:*blushing*ok yes i was waiting for you too.

Aoi:nice to know that.

Me:new ship sailing but let continue dare number 2 goes to everyone to play except Yuri doki doki literature club the new one.

Tsubomi:what but that game traumatized yuri.

Yuri:it really did help me.

Itsuki:it ok were here Yuri.

Me:yeah i know but a dare is a dare sadly so have fun.

Kenji:great were doom .

Erika:yes we are well I'm going to plan to get help after this.

Megumi:good idea erika.

Asuka:yea maybe we should too.

Everyone:yeah we should.

*after playing all the through.

Me:and I'm back and oh no the same thing happen to yuri hold on let have a break everyone

*after the break*

Me:better now everyone.

Manstsu:yea just a little through.

Minori:yes we are.

Me:ok then dare number 3 goes to Laura to get swimming lessons from blade.

Laura:oh that it ok then.

Blade:here I'm am laura come on let go so we can begin.

Laura:ok then Blade let go.

Me:bye and now dare dare number 4 goes to Megumi and emily and haruka to play slenderman.

Emily:oh that game well let get it over with.

Haurka:same come on.


*now playing the game*

Emily:ok we have to grab 8 pages then leave the forest to win.

Haruka:and not die by slanderman.

Megumi:which will make it hard cause he can come out of nowhere it really creepy.

Emily:ok i got to so far.

Haruka:now three wait i hear something.

Megumi:ehh let go ahhh ok now we have 7 pages where almost done and.

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