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(I was literally writing this as I was listening to Talk To Me my Cavetown-)


Kazuichi was in the corner of the closet, his knees to his chest trying to hide from the party crowd, "hmmph... Ugh..." Tears were escaping his eyes until he heard a familiar voice entering the room, "how outrageous..."


He stopped crying and peaked out, only to notice Gundham there, he was sitting on the bed, on his phone, calling his mom, "sweety? What is it? Do you want me to pick you up?"

Gundham couldn't respond, he just responded with an "Mhm"

"Okay sweety, I'll be there in 20 minutes, love you"

Gundham turned his phone off and put it in his jacket pocket, "..."

"Twenty minutes is by far too long..." He grunted, looking out the window, it was windy outside, plus, it was dark...

"..." He sat on the bed and let his back hit the sheets.

"U-Uhm..." Souda slowly made his way out the closet and sat down next to him, "... Why are you ditching?" He asked, intertwining his and Gundhams fingers, making Tanakas face red, "... It... Its far too loud..." He murmured, "..."

Kazuichi smiled and layed down  next to him, "... Hey, you know... Me too-"

"... Were you...- I know it's none of my concern, but... Were you... Crying?" He asked, turning to Kazuichi and wiping his tear, "..." Kazuichi just chuckled softly and wiped it himseld, "...yeah, i-I don't really handle things well, you know"

Tanaka smiled at him and nodded his head, "of course you don't, you're quite sensitive..." He chuckled, picking up their hands that were intertwined and kissed Kazuichis hand, "perhaps... You want to come clean?"

Hearing that made Kazuichis eyes widen, "c-c-come clean?" He repeated, "of course... If you want, I don't mind..."

Kazuichi smiled and scooted closer to him and gave him a goofy smile, "thanks man! It-... It means alot!"

Tanaka nodded his head and scooted closer, their faces inches apart, "... I-Im scared of the truth... I feel like if I know the truth... It'll just be bad news... And...-And Loud Noises scare me because... My uhm... My dad he used to-.. to... to...-... H-He used to..." He just kept stuttering, trying to make out the words he was going to say, but kept failing, making Gundham frown, "shh..." Tanaka hushed, wanting to try and calm him down, "... Gundham... I-I think I screwed up!" He cried, curling up in a ball, letting his hair cover his eyes, "I screwed up bad..."

"No, No, Kazuichi, you didn't..." Tanaka whispered, rubbing his sides, trying to calm him, "... hmmph..." Kazuichi just slowly raised his head to look at Gundham, a small smile can be seen on his face, "hey..." He whispered, "i-I like you"


"I like you..."

"Kazuichi! Why are you saying this all of a sudden?" Tanaka blushed, taking his hands off of Kazuichi, "...Gundham, I Like you!" He blurted out even louder, trying to be louder than the music that was playing in the background, "Kazuichi... Uhm... I-I..."

"... You don't like me, I know that, I just needed to get it off my chest..." He smiled weakly, "Kazuichi, get up..." Gundham whispered, "huh? Wh-Why?"

Tanaka picked him up bridal style and brought him to the bedroom restroom, placing him down in front of the mirror , "look at yourself..." He whispered.


Kazuichi just turned back to Gundham and started crying, "why..?" He whined, "i-I don't want to!"

Gundham rubbed his sides and whispered, "once you learn to love yourself... Positive things will happen..." He spoke, kissing his head, "..."

"... Love... Myself?"

Tanaka nodded his head and stared at Kazuichi through the mirror, "you're quite handsome, don't you agree? You are a rather fascinating human, by far the best, you can do anything in life if you just... Love yourself"

"... G-Gundham..." Kazuichi couldn't help but cry even more, "Gundham...but-..."

"No buts, please Kazuichi... Look at yourself longer..."


Its chilly...

The wind was entering the bedroom and into the restroom, making Kazuichi shiver and look up at the mirror, "..."


He noticed that Gundham was behind him, hugging him, "..."

He just smiled and nodded his head, "... Thank you, Tanaka..." He whispered, leaning his back closer to him, "... Thank you..."

SouDam Oneshots (part 2)Where stories live. Discover now