Chapter 8 Thin Ice

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The 'elite' team were at target practice, shooting at cones. Bitters fired three shots and missed each one while Palomo called out each one.

Bitters: Palomo, I know when I miss. *fires*

Palomo: Are you missing on purpose?

Bitters: Alright, that's it.

And Palomo was beaten into the ground once again.

Jensen: *sighs*

Smith: Well. . . I spoke with Kimball. . . Search and Rescue has been denied. . .

Bitters: Yeah well, good riddance. They never cared about us anyway.

Jensen: How could you say that? They left because they didn't want us getting hurt.

Bitters: Yeah, well what do you call this? They didn't take us to get shot but they sure as hell left us to die!

Jensen: W-We don't know that. Like the Major said, they could come back.

Smith: Their message didn't exactly specify when.

Palomo: They'll come back. I KNOW they'll come back.

He fired, shooting down a cone. . .

Bitters: Nice shot.

Palomo: Wasn't me. . .

They turned to see the mercenary.

Felix: You shouldn't be so hard on the guys. They did what they thought was best. Can't fault 'em for that. Still, I'm going to beat the living shit out of those six when I find them.

Smith: When you find them?

Felix: Tell Kimball I'm buying back one of the Warthogs I sold her.

Jensen: But Felix! She said we weren't allowed to go after them! It was a DIRECT ORDER.

Felix: Well orders only work on soldiers! And I. . . am a mercenary.

*F.A.C. Outpost 37*

Simmons: This is it.

The six Reds and Blues were parked in the snow, taking cover beneath some ice formations.

Simmons: According to our data, the Federal Army base is just on the other side of this wall.

Tucker: About time! My ass was asleep for so long I thought I slipped into a coma!

Grif: So we're here. . . now what?

Ruby: We find a way inside. Any ideas?

Simmons: We could try scaling the wall.

Allison: There's a shit ton of guys on the other side of it. It's too obvious.

Tucker: Think dumber.

Delta: This will damage my programming. . .

Grif: We could knock on the front door.

Tucker: TOO dumb.

Grif: I was joking.

Caboose: We could knock on their door.

Grif: I just said that!

Caboose: Yeeaah, but you were joking. . . I felt the plan deserved more serious consideration.

Kaikaina: Cut a hole in the wall.

Ruby: I'm pretty sure they'd have a sensor in place for that.

Tucker: Hmm, how do you break into an evil ice fortress?

Caboose: You melt it! Like evil ice cream!

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season TwelveWhere stories live. Discover now