Chapter 17 Multiple Choice

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Rachel: What exactly are you playing at?

The Reds and Blues awaited the mercenary's response over the radio.

Felix: Okay, easy there darlin'. I know this is all very exciting, so I'm gonna hand over the mike to my partner over here to tell you the details.

Locus: It's time you people understood the futility of your situation. We know where you're hiding. We know you are in possession of a single teleportation grenade. And we know that you hold the coordinates to a particularly vital radio jammer. Which is why my partner and I are contacting you from its location. Make no mistake. You will not be interfering with today's events.

Tucker: Says you! We're the champs of interfering with shit!

Locus: As we speak, the armies of Chorus are converging on the capital and the battle that ensues will leave no survivors. If your goal was to save these people, you have failed. But you now have an opportunity to save yourselves.

Wash: What do you mean?

Felix: Once the chumps at the capital are all dead, you guys will be the only loose ends left.

Dr. Gray looked down. . .

Felix: Now seeing as you've disabled our tracking device, and have the means to teleport anywhere in the world, this poses a somewhat, annoying problem.

Locus: Which is why control is offering to make a deal.

Ruby: Control?

Locus: If you choose to teleport back to your camp at Crash Site Bravo, you'll find a small ship waiting to take you home. But if you fail to arrive within the hour, we will find you. And we will kill you.

Grif: I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit on that.

Simmons: Yeah, why should we believe anything you say?!

Locus: See for yourself.

The group rushed to the fueling station, looking over the cliff to see a spaceship taking off. . .

Lopez: (Spanish) Okay, I believe them.

Donut: You're right, Lopez! That is the ship that dropped us off!


Kaikaina: Shut up, Donut.

Locus: It's fully functional, and en route to the canyon now.

Wash: So you got a ship. How're we supposed to know you won't shoot us the second we arrive?

Felix: Well, you can't. But, if it makes you feel any better, this wasn't our idea. Trust me, I'm really hoping you're dumb enough to turn this offer down.

Locus: Our client is a person of business. They understand that you want no part in this conflict, and they're willing to let you live if you agree to never speak of our involvement here.

Felix: And trust us, they'll know if you do.

Locus: Agent Washington, I've been ordered to offer you and your men a way out. And I never break an order. You have one to make a decision.

Felix: Hope you make the right one.

The two mercenaries then cut off, leaving them to their thoughts. . . .


Jensen crashed her Mongoose into wall, making Palomo fall off the back.

Jensen: Sorry.

Palomo: It's all good! Just, severe whiplash.

The other two members of the elite team parked next to them.

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season TwelveWhere stories live. Discover now