Chapter 14

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~Austin’s POV~

“Thhhhats what you get, Tino!” I yelled as I slammed down my last bottle of beer. “You cannot touch…this!” I smacked my chest and laughed. He laughed and I looked around for Alan. Phil noticed my confused look and he rolled his eyes.

“He went to the bathroom and Aarons there too.” I nodded and decided to go to the bathroom as well, but not before Tino handed me a bottle of jaeger. I thanked him and stumbled into the small dirty room.  

“Heeeeey, there you areee Aaaaaaaron.” I stumbled over to them and grabbed Aaron for support. “I won the battleeeee, Tino cant drink for shi- Hey Alan, where you been buddyyy?” I moved away from Aaron and over towards Alan. Aaron whispered something to Alan and left us alone. “Alannn you look so cuteee.” He laughed softly and tried to awkwardly slip away. Oh no, not on my watch. I wrapped my hand around his waist and I let my head fall onto his shoulder. “Don’t go, let me stay like this.” He quit squirming and it became quiet. I felt my eyes closing and I knew I was going to pass out. “I love you Alan.” I whispered before everything else blacked out.


“Austin?” I heard a distant voice ask, it sounded like I was underwater. “Austin?” I felt a sharp pain and my eyes flew open. I rubbed my eyes and looked up at a familiar ginger head of hair.

“Alan?” I asked softly. I looked around and saw we were in the back lounge on the bus. “What time is it?”

“It’s about 1 in the afternoon, we play in an hour.” He said. I realized I was lying down on his leg and I got up quickly. I coughed awkwardly and fixed my messy hair. “Why’d you slap me?” I asked.

“You were drooling on my leg.” He said. I blushed and he laughed. “It’s fine, I find that extremely attractive anyway.” I laughed and lay back against the couch. “Um.. Austin?” He asked. I yawned and rubbed my face.

“Yeah?” I was caught off guard when I felt Alan suddenly kiss me.

“I love you too.” He whispered and reattached our lips. I entangled my fingers in his hair and he pulled me closer to him. I knew that at any moment someone could come in and find us out, but right now, I couldn’t give a shit. “You know, we still have a good amount of time left before the show..” Alan said slowly. I rolled my eyes and kissed him again.


I waited on the edge of the stage waiting for We Came As Romans to finish their last song. I was feeling energetic and not tired at all, I was excited for this show. As soon as the guys finished we let our techs set up and heard the crowd begin to chant our name. Tino was tapping his drumsticks on the side of the walls as we walked up the stairs to the stage. The crowd went wild as the beginning of The Depths began to play.


After the show I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and I was smiling widely. The fans went hardcore tonight and it was amazing. I was lying down next to Alan and Dave on the couch in the greenroom.

“Hey man, if you could have one thing in the world right now…what would it be?” Alan asked.

“Pizza, to be honest.” Dave answered.

“Really, anything in the world and you pick pizza?” Alan wondered. I snorted and Phil started laughing.

“I’d use a genie wish on it too, I haven't had pizza in a while.” He said simply.

“Well get ready because your love has arrived!” Andy yelled as he ran into the room with a lot of pizza boxes in his hands.

“Thank fuck!” Aaron yelled as he ran towards Andy. I just took advantage of the new couch space and closed my eyes, trying to rest a bit. The room was getting gradually louder but suddenly it stopped. I opened my eyes and saw a lot of people staring at me. I looked at them confused, what did I do? I turned to Alan next to me who was staring past me with his mouth wide open.

“What?” I asked.

“Hey guys.” My eyes widened and I turned, seeing the one and only Justin Trotta. He walked over to the pizza boxes and it was still quiet. He took a few slices and started eating. “What are you all looking at?” He asked with a mouth full of food. The guys quit looking at me and went back to talking amongst themselves. Justin shrugged and walked over to Eric and Lou. I looked over at a shocked Tino and Phil who just looked at me dumbly. Kyle walked over to Alan and I and shuffled his feet a bit.

“Hey, Austin, about Trotta, I hope it’s not a bad thing, I mean we needed a tech and we were short handed because our tech was sick and we had a show and I don’t mean to step on any toes and it’s just-

“Kyle, it’s fine.” I cut him off of his rambling and he let out a long breath of relief.

“Really? I just didn’t want to hurt anything, we needed someone and well..”

“No, I get it, it’s fine.” It really wasn’t fine, but I couldn’t be mad at them, it wasn’t intentional. I heard Alan sigh next to me and I looked over at him.

“Austin…about last night…”


“I think… I think we should take a break from it all.” I froze at his words. Take a break? But.. but we’d only just begun. I looked over at Justin and narrowed my eyes; something always had to get in the way. 

I Cannot Feel Anything, Anymore~ Austlan CashbyWhere stories live. Discover now