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Roy's POV

I felt so angry, for leaving, for hurting Felicity, for snapping at Oliver. But, this wasn't me, I mean, something was empowering me, taking my body over, and driving me mad with anger. I was walked, shaking, towards Verdant, Thea's club. I could feel the Mirikuru, telling me to kill her, I couldn't, I wouldn't. I loved her. Only, I don't think she loved me back. I felt a rush of adrenaline, and I started running in the opposite direction, I knew i had to get out of the city. Leave Starling, go elsewhere. Run, until I've left, and maybe return. I didn't know what the future would hold. If I died, I wish I had told Thea my feelings. Instead of just bottling it all up, and finally letting it go when I had the Mirikuru in my system.

I finally stopped, at the sign that said:

'You are now leaving Starling City, come back soon!'

I was panting, I had just ran five? Ten miles? In under ten minutes. This Mirikuru was messing with my head, I couldn't possibly run that fast. Could I? I mean, the Mirikuru, it give you superhuman abilities, was speed, one of them? Surely not. I should of listened to liver when he explained the Mirikuru to me. I kept on running, until I saw another sign, this one said:

'Welcome to Central city!'

At least I was far enough away from Starling to not hurt anyone I really cared about. Central City, Central city, it sounded so familiar... Wait, was this the place with that, red streak? Huh, I guess I'm just gonna seem like another psycho here... I needed someone to take my anger out on. Just then, I saw someone running away with a bag of money, and the streak, chasing after him.

I ran up behind the guy, grabbed his collar, and threw him against the wall.

"Who are you?" Asked the streak, "Why are you in Central City?"

"I'll ask you the same question," I countered, "The Streak."

"Nobody calls me that anymore," He replied,

"Well, what do they call you then?" I asked.

"The Flash." He replied with a grin on his face, "You're that crazed, red hoodie guy, aren't you?"

"You know," I said, "crazed, is such a strong word."

"But you are him right?" The Flash asked, "The guy in the red hoodie, from Starling?"

"Yeah," I said, nodding, "that's me."

"Do you know the Arrow then?" He questioned, "Or 'the hood'?"

"Yeah," I said solemnly, "I know him."

I felt a sudden wave of guilt, come crashing over me, as I remembered the previous events.

"Like, " He said, "his real identity."

"Listen here, " I said, getting angrier by the minute, "whoever the hell you are, I'm not going to tell you anything about him."

"Oh no!" He said, shocked, "I know who he is! I'm Barry Allen!"

"Why should I trust you?" I said, "I don't know you."

"I worked with Oliver Queen on a case," he said, " My captain got really mad because I lied about where I was going, they actually believed that I had food poisoning, but, Oliver sought me out. That was the end of the case."

"Why'd you lie?" I said, "Why did you go if they weren't ok with it?"

"When I was eleven my mom was murdered," he started,

"Oh," I said, "I'm so sorry."

"Nah," he replied, "they never caught they guy who did it, but my father went to jail for her murder, they found a knife in her heart."

"Still," I said, "why'd you take on the case?"

"When my mom was murdered," he said, " there was a bolt of lightening, and in that lightening, there was a man. I tried to help her, then suddenly, I was twenty blocks, away from our house. Nobody believed me, and my father's been serving a life sentence, for something he didn't even do."

Neither of us spoke for a while after that. Then Barry finally spoke, breaking the awkward silence.

"You can come back to Star Labs if you'd like?" He offered, "Dr.Wells won't mind."

"Sure," I replied.


Barry's POV

"Meet you there?" I said to Roy, knowing he would take a lot longer than me, made me feel smug.

"Sure." He replied,

"I'll give you a five minute head start." I said smugly

Roy grinned, and started running, quite quickly. Oh god. He's going to beat me.

Five minutes later, I started running. When I arrived at Star Labs, Roy was already there.

"Barry?" Shouted Caitlin, "Is that you?"

"That's Caitlin, " I told Roy, "don't worry, she's really nice."

"Barry?" She shouted, as she walked down the stairs, "You could at least say if it is you!"

"Yeah," I said, "it's me, and uh, Roy's here."

"Roy?" She said, "Who's Roy?"

"You know Oliver?" I shouted back, "He works with him!"

"Oh!" She shouted back, "That Roy!"

She turned the corner and stopped.

"Woah," she stuttered, "hi, uh, Roy!"

"Hey," he said relaxed, "nice to meet you Caitlin."

"Yeah," she said, "uh, to you too."

I swear I saw her knees shaking, I looked at her with an amused expression on my face. She soon stopped after she saw me.

"Uh," she said, " Roy! Do you want to come and meet Cisco and Dr.Wells?"

"Sure," he replied.

We all headed upstairs and whenever Caitlin had the chance when they were having a conversation, she would touch Roy's muscular arm. Good god Caitlin, get a grip.

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