The Black Canary

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Oliver's POV

"We got her." Felicity said.

We had been tracking the Black Canary ever since she saved me when Laurel called the S.W.A.T team to come and take out The Arrow at the Precinct. Now we finally had a lead.

"Where is she?" I asked her.


"Felicity!" I shouted.

"She's outside Roy's house." She replied.

"What?" I replied, "Can you check again please?"

"I've done three scans in total," She said, "this isn't wrong, Oliver. She's definitely outside his house."

I quickly changed into my Green Arrow suit, grabbed my bow and left the base.

What business did she have with Roy?


I jumped onto my motorbike, revved the engine and started to drive to Roy's house.


When I pulled up behind Roy's house, I heard two feminine voices, and a masculine voice. Probably Roy. I climbed off my bike, and sneakily crept onto Roy's roof. I looked over and-




But- She's, gone... No, it can't be her. She... left! She joined the League. She said she would never come back...

I slowly slid down the pipes, and managed to do so without either noticing.

"Goodnight," I heard someone say, "Mr.Harper."

I saw the other women walk over to Roy and inject him with something. I saw his suddenly limp body, drop hastily to the ground with a thud.

"Sara," Said one of the women, "we must leave."

"Nyssa," Sara said, "I'm sorry, but I'm never going back to the League. I hope we can still be together sometime."

Nyssa smiled, and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Your boyfriend doesn't approve." She said.

Oh crap. She'd seen me. Then that was defiantly Sara.

"What?!" She said to Nyssa, "Where is he?"

"Over there." Nyssa replied, "Lurking in the shadows."

"Why didn't you tell me you were alive?" I said bluntly.

"They'd kill you." She replied as she turned around, "I couldn't take the risk."

"One. Word." I stammered, "That's all I needed, that's all I wanted."

"You don't under-"

"I've been pushing everyone away," I said angrily, "because I was worried they were going to end up like you. Dead. Or so I thought."


"No." I said, "Don't call me 'Ollie'."

"Why?" She asked, worried.

"I feel like I don't even know you anymore," I said, "and only my friends call me Ollie."

"What?!" She shouted, "Since when have I not been your friend?"

"Since I found out," I said, " that you had been LYING to me, all this time."

"You know I had a good reason for not telling you."

"No," I replied, "for not telling me that you were the Black Canary."

"How-?" She stammered.

"I can't believe you!" I shouted, "You are so selfish, you don't even notice your own sister, is an alcoholic and a drug addict!"

"That's why I came back Ollie!" She replied.

"No," I said, "don't. You. DARE."

"Wha- What?" She stuttered.

"You disgust me," I said, "I used to be just like you, Sara."

"What?" She replied.

"But now," I said through gritted teeth, "I feel like I don't even know you anymore."

"Ollie, look-"

"I told you to not call me that."

"Fine!" She yelled at me, "Mr.Queen, wait!"

"Stop it Sara." I said, "Now leave, and never come back."

"What?!" She shouted, "No!"

"Goodbye Sara." I said.

"Oliver, please." She said in an almost whisper, "Don't tell Laurel or my father, please."

"They have a right to know." I said as I started running off.

I heard her footsteps chase after me, slowly getting closer and closer. I had to get her to leave, the less she knew about what happened to me on that island. I started to climb up the nearest fire escape, and started to run across the building.

"Wait!" Sara shouted.

I turned around, and looked at her.

"Why?" I replied, "So you can continue lying to me?"


I continued running, and finally made my way the the edge of the building.

I inhaled a deep breath, and jumped.

Sara must have stopped following me. Good.

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