Falling Apart

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Roy's POV

I sat in my crimson red car and switched on the radio to hear the familiar sound of Demons by Imagine Dragons. Thea loves this song. Ironic really, a song about demons when I'm burying mine.

'When the days are cold and the cards all fold and the saints we see are all made of gold.

When your dreams all fail, and the ones we hail are the worst of all and the blood runs stale.

I wanna hide the truth, I wanna shelter you, but with the beast inside, there's nowhere we ca-'

I smacked on my radio a couple of times before giving up and just forgetting about the music. I revved my engine and started to drive away. I was driving in complete silence until I arrived at my flat. My house got destroyed in the undertaking so I decided to leave The Glades and live elsewhere, anywhere was safer than The Glades, or so I thought.

I opened my cars glossy door and stepped into the cold darkness which seemed like hell now I wasn't with Thea anymore. I zipped up my red hoodie and began the short stride to my front door. While I shuffled around in my pockets for the key to my front door, I heard shoes, clattering up the pavement. Sounded like heels, probably. I turned around to see a women, probably in her mid-twenties, running away from a dark figure in a black hood.

''Hey!'' I shouted, getting ready for a fight, ''What'd you think you're doing?!''

''This does not concern you,'' Said the figure who was coming more into view, and seemed to be holding a bow an they had a quiver on their back, ''this is Ra's Al Ghul's business, walk away before I put you down.''

''Who the hell'd you think you are?!'' I shouted at the figure, not thinking about the consequences of my actions, ''Get away from her!''

The figure stopped dead in their tracks, and drew back the bow string and pointed it in my direction.

''Leave. Now.'' They said, ''Before I kill you for interfering with the Leagues business.''

''No.'' I said stupidly, ''And who are 'The league'?''

''The league of Assassins.'' The figure said mysteriously.

''I'm not going back Nyssa.'' Said the blonde woman who was , just moments ago, fleeing, ''I'm never going back, you can't make me, no one can.''

''Nyssa.'' I said under my breath.

''Sara,'' Nyssa replied, ''Stop being so defiant. Your entire family will be murdered if you don't come with me.''

"Sara." I mumbled to myself.

"They won't, because they don't know I'm alive," She replied, "and therefore, will not come looking for me."

''I'm still slightly confused,'' I said, interrupting their conversation and probably annoying them both tremendously, ''are you attacking her, or are you now targeting me?''

''That depends.'' Nyssa said.

''On what?'' I asked.

''If you will continue to interfere with the League's business,'' Nyssa said angrily, ''or if you will walk away and never speak of this.''

''And,''I said, already knowing the answer to my question, ''what will my 'fate' be if I do not walk away?''

''You will die.'' Nyssa shouted.

''What if,'' I said, '' I kill you?''

Nyssa smiled and laughed.

''I am the daughter of Ra's Al Ghul,'' She laughed ''who do you think you are to beat an assassin?''

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