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Oliver's POV

The Mirikuru soldiers were coming from all directions. Me, John and Sara all stood back to back, weapons at the ready.

"Remember, no one dies tonight." I said to them.

There was a small flash of light from around the cluster.


A few more soldiers began disappearing each time the light appeared, making a clear path down the centre.

"There's no stopping us now, Arrow." Slade said loudly from a distance, "I have an army."

I exhaled a shaky breath, "We have the cure."

Slade stepped forward from the crowd, and rolled his eyes.

"You think a measly cure can stop us?" He asked, "You think a measly cure, CAN STOP THIS?!" Slade gestured to the thousands of Mirikuru soldiers.

"No," I replied, "We know it can."

And that's when all hell broke loose.

Arrows were flying everywhere, bullets dispersed from gun barrels hitting random targets.

"There are too many of them!" Sara cried.

"Yeah, well, try your best." I replied.

I heard an exasperated sigh over the intercom.

"Felicity?" I asked.

"Yeah, I asked Barry for a favour." She groaned, "I think I'm gonna vomit. Super speed isn't as fun as it looks."

In between the humongous crowd, I saw Slade slowly slipping through soldiers. I drew an arrow from my quiver, and aimed it at him.

"Oliver, they've taken ov-" Felicity was cut off by a high pitched buzz.

"Mr.Queen, having fun?" Slade asked.

"Slade, stop this, right now!" I shouted.

"Why?" He laughed, "This is only the beginning."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

I turned swiftly, and shot a soldier with the readied arrow.

"Slade, whatever you're planning, shut. It. Down."

The was a loud fuzzy sound.

"Oliver, I'm back online." Felicity sighed, "Should I call Lance?"

"No, he still thinks I'm the arrow." I replied, "No need to give him anymore hints."

"Oliver, two o'clock." John said.

I turned, pulling two arrows out of my quiver, and taking them both out.

"Thanks," I replied, "There are still more."

"I swear to god they're multiplying." John mumbled.

"Wouldn't be surprised if they were." Sara grunted.

Again, more fuzziness and a disfigured laughing.

"You can't win."


"No one can win."

"Stop this!"

"It'll be over soon enough."

Felicity's panicked voice came back, "Some one really needs to take a step down from the crazy wagon."

"Felicity, how many are there?" John asked.

"Calculating now." She replied.

Sara groaned, "Surely there can't be many more?"

"Oh god." Felicity mumbled.

"What?!" I shouted.

"There are currently one hundred, and sixty three." She said, "Now one hundred and sixty."

"We need more help!" Sara pointed out.

John huffed, "Really? I thought we were doing just fine."


"Guys, now's not the time!"

They both huffed, "Call Allen." John said.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." Felicity said, "Wait, where did he go?"

"Wasn't he here just a minute ago?"

"Guys, you know I actually have my own city to save?" Barry replied.

"We could really use a hand?" Felicity asked.

"Yeah, fine." Barry said.

"Come over here, we have a ton of the cure left." John said.


A flash of light zoomed past and some vials of the cure disappeared. A few soldiers at a time dropped down and slowly there crowd became more sparse.

"On your left!" Sara shouted to John, as John took out one more.

"Thanks." John grumbled.

"Guys, fifty more." Felicity informed us.

"Almost there."

I drew back my bow, and took down another soldier in the shoulder.

"Ah, well done Mr.Queen." Slade said, "I didn't expect you to make it this far."

"All the soldiers are cured, Oliver." Felicity said, "We've won."

"Far from it, I'm afraid." Slade said.

Slade came into view, wearing a black and orange mask. He had katanas and both hands.

"Guys, we're out of the cure." John informed us.

"What? How?" Sara exclaimed.

"I've been know to use my enemies tactics against them." Slade said, "And you all are perfect examples."

"Oliver, Star Labs said they can make more, but it'll take a little while." Felicity said.

"Let's just keep him occupied then."

I fired arrows. John fired his gun. Sara ran towards Slade, failing massively when she was knocked down by a single blow to her head.

"Sara!" I cried.

She groaned, "I'm okay."

"Guys, I gotta go, Cisco has the cure ready." Barry said.

"Go!" I shouted.

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