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Oliver's POV

Ugh, this was all my fault. I should have just killed him when I had the chance. I made Felicity mad at me, I made Roy flip out, and who knows where he's gone. What'll I tell Thea? She'll hate me forever when she finds out that I drove Roy away. I need to find him, no matter what Felicity thinks, he needs to be taken down, at all costs. I just feel terrible for going against her. Where would he have gone? I ran up the stairs and entered the password 141 and left the club.


As I went up the stairs, I heard Thea yelling at someone, I didn't know who it was, so I just continued walking out. When I got outside, I felt a sudden blast of wind flash past my face. Barry's back. I sighed and saw him standing at the end of the alleyway.

"Miss me?" He said.

"Not particularly," I said, "but it's good to see you."

"Guess who I saw today!" He said, "C'mon, guess!"

"I really don't know or care Barry, I have more important things to attend to." I said, "Anyway, see you another time."

"You sure?" He asked, "I know who you're looking for, and, where they are!"

"Barry," I said, "if this is all a big joke, then I'll kill you."

"Oh jeez," he said, "calm down man, meet you in Central?"

"Fine." I said.

I jumped on my motorcycle and saw Barry speeding away. I revved the engine, and drove away.


As I arrived in Central City, I saw Barry sitting on a bench, tapping his fingers on his legs. When he saw me, he got up and walked over.

"Finally here, huh?" He joked, "Only a few more miles to Star Labs!"

"Yes Barry, " I said, "I have been here before."

He grinned, started running and was gone, in a flash.


I saw the familiar sign of Star Labs, and pulled my bike onto the curb. I pushed the glass doors open, and and saw Barry, comforting a crying Caitlin.

"What the hell happened?!" I shouted, making both of them jump because neither of them knew I had come in.

"Roy's gone." Caitlin cried, "I'm so sorry, Oliver!"

"Hey," I said walking over to her, "don't worry, it's fine."

"Oliver," said Barry, " can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure." I replied.

He held my arm, and pulled me to the side.

"What was wrong with Roy?!" He loudly whispered, "He completely flipped out! He threw a table across the room when I asked him about your sister!"

"Where did he go?" I asked him, ignoring his question.

"I don't know..." He said, sadly, "What made him so mad?"

"Barry," I said calmly, "now, is not the time!"

He sighed.

"Fine," he said, "but I want to help you find him."

"No Barry," I said, losing my temper, ever so slightly, "it's n-"

"Safe?!" He shouted, "Oliver, you think you're the only one who wants to help, you know my story, the man in the lightening. I've always wanted to help people! Why won't you let me help you?!"

"Guys," Said Caitlin, "uh, we have a, slight issue..."

"Are you gonna tell us?" Said Barry, irritated, "Or just hover around the subject?"

"Um," she stuttered, "We got Roy."

"Where is he?" I asked, "Can you track him?"

"Uh, yeah," she said, "lemme just pull up his location, "

Barry looked like he could kill someone he was so angry at me.

"He's at 29th south boulevard," she replied, looking intently at her tablet, "if you go now, you can catch him, I'll give you directions."

"Ok," I said, "thanks Caitlin."

I felt a sudden gush of wind to my side.

"Caitlin!" I shouted, "You have to stop Barry, he doesn't know what he's going up against."

"I try," she replied, "he seems pretty serious about this."

I ran out the glass doors, jumped on my bike and started to drive away.

Barry's just a kid, he isn't going to beat Roy.

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