Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: It's getting a bit excited in this one!! What do you think of the story so far?

I might start to add actual chapter names tonight!

Have fun reading xxx

I texted Reece earlier, asking what they are up to today. He said they were just gonna chill, play a bit of fifa and maybe walk around Manchester for a bit and write on a new song together in the afternoon. I told him to let me know when they start on the song so I could film a little of that process. He agreed and then I started on the report. I've been sitting at the desk of my hotel room ever since. I only went outisde once to grab some food from the shop across the street.

I'm glad I decided to start the report today though. I've already written about four pages of notes on the first three weeks only and I realize that it's hard for me to remember the beginning. I should really make it a weekly task to write down all the work I've done. I wouldn't want to miss anything that might be important to include in the report. Every now and then my eyes fall on the blanket Brad gave me. It's still folded the way it was, laying on the end of my bed.

I'm eventually interrupted by a call from Reece, telling me to come over to his hotel room 'cause they'll start writing now.

I save what I've written, grab my camera and leave my room. The next hour is spend by me casually getting the camera out every now and then so I wouldn't interrupt their writing flow.  A couple riffs on the guitar, searching for songs they like little bits of that they would like to make their own, singing very out of tune cause a lyric just came to mind. It's pretty fun to watch. When they actually get somewhat of a melody and lyrics together I stop recording. We couldn't include that anyway so no future songs would be given away. I leave them to it and get to my room to start editing. Finally, I'm done, it's past 5 pm and I fall down on my bed.

I remember how I promised Maya I would enjoy the tour. But once I take a break I can feel the thoughts coming to mind. I've got to do a good job. There's no second chances with anything. If I miss something, I miss it. No re-doing.

Before I can get overwhelmed again I get interrupted by my phone ringing. When I see it's Maya I immediately pick up.

'Hey girl, how's the rockstar life?', she greets me.
I think about simply not telling her I've been working the whole time now. Then again would she even believe me if I told her anything else? She knows me too well and would definitely call me out on lying.

So, I don't. I tell her. I tell her that I've not actually watched any of the concerts yet and that I've been in my room all day, working.

And of course, she almost starts yelling at me. 'You've not even watched any of the shows yet?', she eventually asks after she finished her rant. She doesn't sound as mad anymore, more... concerned?

'I haven't no. I just had so much to edit both evenings and', she won't let me finish. Her sigh is so loud that it feels like she's sitting right next to me on the bed.

'Okay I get it. You want to make a good impression. You want to show them that they made the right decision by picking you as an intern. But don't you think they've already realized that by now?'

She might be right. They've definitely expressed how happy they are with my work plenty of times now. But all of this, it still feels so wrong.

Maybe I'm not so much trying to impress them but prove to myself that I deserve to be here.

'You promised you'd try to have fun Lizzy.'

I want to argue that I am having fun and that working all day isn't even so bad. I love the work I get to do. But there's a knock on my door.

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