*Chapter 24*

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Mai never came back down for supper. Akio said if anything we would be hear that girl, Vendetta, screams and sometimes, I think i do hear it.

Everyone went back too eating their food like it was nothing, and maybe it wasn't for them but for me, Sokka and Toph we could barely look at our food.

After everyone was done eating, some people pushed the tables and made room for everyone to get social, most people stayed with on their own group. But the Black Rose went and talked to everyone, or I think talked to them. Pretty sure I saw several people nearly hit someone.

Nozomi and Rin disappeared after a while. Suki said to bring Mai her food so Shimizu wouldn't throw a fit.

I kept looking at the door hoping she'd come back. I really wanted to talk to Mai, I just wanted to tell her that I know who she is.

"You know you can go and see her," Sokka said coming up behind and throwing his hands over my shoulders.

"Yeah, you look like a puppy who lost its master," Toph said coming to the other side of me, handing me a glass of champagne.

"She's not my master," I tell them taking the glass, "I just remember her from when we where kids."

"You knew her before now?" Sokka asked.

"Yeah," I sigh, "we use to train together and I realized something about her."

"What? That she's your soulmate? Cause no one falls in love that quickly." Toph said taking a sip of her champagne.

"Love?" Do I love Mai? It's only been a few days no, it can't be love.

I remember her from when we trained together I remember always staring at her when she went to get a drink, or talk to Iroh, or fixing her hair. I was always watching, wanting to get closer to her.

"Yeah man," Sokka said shaking my shoulders, "you've been all over her since we've been here."

"Yeah, I guess I have been," I whispered, "I'm sorry. I've probably been a lousy friend."

"No man, you haven't if anything Sokka's been the ass lately." Toph said.

"Hey! I haven't been that bad," Sokka whined.

"No you've been worse," Suki had came up to us and was smiling at us, "we've gotten it worked out, took Mai's advice and talked it over before supper."

Suki patted my shoulder, "Mai should be back in her room, Rin and Nozomi should be having sex in their room so your all clear. Just make sure she takes her medicine."

"What are you? Her mom?" Toph said fallowing close behind Suki as she walked over too Shimizu, Natsu, and Ty lee.

"Sometimes," Suki responded throwing her hands over Toph's shoulders.

They both start laughing as Suki messed up Toph hair.

"I'm glad you all fixed things," I said too Sokka.

"Me too, I sort of knew we'd would end things. Especially when I realized my who I truly cared for. Now don't keep you lady waiting," Sokka said pushing me too the door, "don't forget protection and that she still a virgin."

"Not for long," I said as I headed out the doors door Sokka gaged again.

He's the one who said it.

Once I finally reached the top, I walk but to Mai's door and knock.

"Mai? It's Zuko. Can I come in?"

No answer.


I walk in afraid something happened to her but her bed was made and no one was on the couch. I take off my coat that I was wearing and laid it on the couch.

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